Chapter 3

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Check out bitterbby 's Melanie Martinez fan fiction!

P.S. That's Anna

Christie's POV

I open the bathroom door and the steam wisps out as I enter my bedroom. I take the white towel out of my hair and run my aesthetic finger nails through it. I hear a knock on the door and turn my gaze towards the steps. I walk down and open the door to see Bradley smiling shyly.

I smile and run my hands through my hair again. "Hey Br-" I start.

She closes the door and presses my arms up against the wall.

"What the hel-"

She slams her lips against mine and I stand there in utter shock. I just stand there. Eyes closed. My lips pressed shut. I push her away and stare at her with extreme confusion.

She kissed me. She fucking kissed me. And I might of liked it? No, I'm straight. This can't be possible.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Let's see ... I bite my nails, I twirl my hair, I eat too much, what else ... oh yah! I'm gay and I want you Chris!"

She bites her lip and I remember I'm in only a towel and run up the stairs and into my room. I throw on a strapless bra with a see-through sweater and some black jeans.


She walks up the stairs and I see her slowly peak through the doorway.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I get it. I am too gross and should not have and I put too much on you and I'm so sorry and I-"

"I have a boyfriend! I can not be doing this with a girl when I have a boyfriend."


"What the hell!!!"

"Please, Chris."

"Stop!" I scream as throw my arms up in anger. "This is too much. You need to chill out for a second and realize what you are putting on me. You think I am just okay with this out of the blue? What the fuck is wrong with you?"


"No! Get out dammit! I can not be doing this right now! I have a boyfriend." I hiss.

"Please Christie."

"No." I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh. "I can not be doing this right now."

She looks at me with a sulk and looks straight my eyes. "I know this might be a lot, but we all know that you were never going to love him. Think about it."

She walks out and I am left there to think about what just happened. I can't believe her! You can not just kiss someone who is in a relationship and straight!

Am I straight?


Simmer down, simmer down, that say we're too young now to a-

I groan as I turn my alarm off and force myself out of bed. I go downstairs and make myself a bowl of Lucky Charms. I scroll through Snapchat and I see that Bradley put something on her story. I quickly remember what happened yesterday and I get a weird feeling in my stomach.

I try to shake the thought out and focus on getting ready for school. I had two more months until I graduate and might I add that this is the most stressful this ever! There are tests after tests and can not do bad on anything if I want to go to college. At least that is what I am brainwashed to think. I am only doing this for my mom's benefit. I really don't give a shit about going to college.

I put my bowl in the sink and run up to my room. I put my favorite record on my record player, I Like it When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware of it, and get ready. I do a little dance to She's American as I pull out some ripped jeans, a Smells Like the Only Song You Know shirt and some beat up black Vans.

I go into my bathroom and throw my hair into a messy top-knot. I wash my face and put on some BB Cream, light eyeliner, and some mascara. I don't wear much makeup, this is about it. I brush my teeth and spray on some perfume.

I walk out of my bathroom and jump around as The Sound starts fades out. I stop the record and put the needle back in place. I grab my phone, earbuds, and my backpack and walk out to the bus stop. I open the front door and as I turn around to head over there Bradley is waiting at the bottom of the driveway. I put my earbuds in and crack up the volume full blast and try to walk past Brad.


I put my chin up and walk past her. I can not let anything happen again. I walk to the bus stop and because my timing is always perfect the bus is pulling up to it. I step on and take a seat.

As I turn to look out the window I see Bradley looking worse than ever. She smiles at me, but I just look away.

What am I doing?


Okay so OTP right here! XD I put The 1975s new album name in here and I'd really like it if you check them out! They're amazing and there music is so chill!!!

Comment what your favorite band is and/or the song you can relate to the most.

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-Josie :)))

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