Chapter 10

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Bradley's POV

I park the car and i get out. I slide across the hood of the car and open up Chris's door, because why not? She giggles and gets out.

She looks up at the overcast sky and smiles, "I think it might rain."

"Why are you smiling?"

"I really like the rain."

We walk into the rundown pizza place and sit in our normal booth in the very back of the place. Our normal server, Amelia, walks up to the table and smiles.

"What do you two ladies want? The usual?"

"Yes!" Christie says.

I look at her and smile. She chips the black nail polish off of her thumb and chews on the inside of her mouth. She does that when she's nervous so I don't really know if I should be happy that she likes me or ask her if something is wrong.

"This is my first date without another couple here."


"Yeah. James always wanted another couple there to 'break loose invisible tension'."

"Wow. That is so stupid!"

"I don't know how I put up with him for so long."

"At least you didn't let him take away your sober mind."

"I guess. He really wanted to have sex, but I never did. The thought of that general area freaked me out to be honest." She says blushing.

I laugh and she laughs along with me.

"I wonder why." I say playfully.

"Oh shut up!" She laughs. Her hands are covering her mouth and she puts her head on the table she's laughing so hard.

Amelia walks over with our Hawaiian pizza and our Sherly Temples. She places them on the table and I chuckle as Christie tries to calm herself down so she won't scare Amelia.

The rain pours down as we eat our pizza and laugh all night. Chris looks so happy and it's the happiest I've ever seen her. Normally she is very quiet and keeps to herself. She never does anything when I take her to parties either. I feel like now things will be different, but a good different. A spectacular different!


We finish up and Amelia comes over to our table to collect out cups and plates.

"Can we get the check?"

"It's on me. Go have some fun love birds!"

Chris and I look at each other and blush. We slide out of our booth and Chris gives Amelia a hug. We walk out into the pouring rain and run to my car. Chris tried to open her door but I don't unlock the car.

"Brad, open the door, I'm soaked."

I walk over to the passengers side of the car and lightly press her against the car door. She looks at me puzzled as I cup her cheeks with my cold hands. I rub my thumb on her cheek and she puts her shaking hands on top mine.


She smiles.

"You said you love the rain, and I love you and want you to be happy in this freezing fucking rain."

She laughs and shivers some more.

"Chris, be mine, because I can guarantee that you can be so much happier with me than with some pervert sperm bank."

She laughs and looks at me with her big bright eyes.

I smash my lips onto hers and I push her against the car. This is different from the first kiss, because now she's kissing back!!

She breaks away and smiles, "I would love to continue this, but can we please continue this at your place where?"

"Don't like the rain now do you?"

"No, I love it!"

Comment if you ship them as much as I do!!!!! This is by far my favorite chapter!!!!!

I'm so sorry for the short and sucky chapters. I hope this makes up for how badly I've been writing. :-(

Comment how long u think these two will last without problems. If u get it right I'll shout u out in my next chapter!

Love u all sm!!!!!


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