Chapter 12

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Christie's POV

"Are you sure I look okay?"

"You look great."

"You sure?"

She rolls her eyes and looks at me with a death glare, "Babe, you look beautiful, now can we please go? I would like to meet Brendon Urie if that is okay with you."

I smile and walk over to her. I wrap my arms around her and tilt my head up so I can kiss her. She sighs into the kiss and puts her hands on my cheeks.

"Can we please go?"

"I still need to put my lipstick on."

She groans and I giggle. I grab the tube of red lipstick and my purse and we head out the door.

"You've got the tickets, right?"

"Yes honey." I say.

We get into Brad's car and start to drive to the concert. I feel bad about how much money James must have spent on these and how he doesn't even get to go. He put so much thought into the gift to and what do I decide to do? Dump his poor ass!

I sigh and try to push all of my negative thoughts out of my head. I plug my phone into the ox chord and put on Vegas Lights by Panic!. Brad looks over at me and smiles.

"Babe, this is the twentry-third time you have played this song today. Does it just not get old to you?"

"I love how you kept count and it will never get old."

She shakes her head and continues to drive down the highway. I dance around in the car like a crazy person and lip sync to the song. Brad keeps looking over at me and laughing so I turn to her a just lip sync in her direction. (a/n comment if you do the same!)


"We're here, we're here, we're here, we're here! Oh my god, we're here!!"

"Relax please Christie."

"I can't, we're seeing Brendon Urie!!!" (a/n comment if you're going to the concert/ already went!)

Bradley pulls into a church parking lot and hand the man working there a ten dollar bill. Almost all of the parking spots are full so he leads to car to the side of the church where the AC unit is and tells us the park right next to it. Bradley looks at him like he's crazy and mutters under her breath, "The hell bitch, how am I going to get out of the car?"

She parks and we wedges her way out of the car. I open my door and we start to walk to the venue. In the distance I hear Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness playing there opening set. I hum along to his songs as we cross the road to the concert.

We get to the venue and stand in line to get in. Bradley is patting her pants pockets and has a confused look on her face.

"Babe I forgot the tickets in the car."

I look at her with a disappointing look and look at the line in front of us. It gets shorter and shorter by the second and we can't give up our spot in line.

I pull out my phone and go onto Live Nation. I log into my account and scroll through my concert tickets and try to find Panic!. There's three more people in from of us then we need to be ready at the security gate.

Two more people. I click on the tickets.

One more person. There still loading.

Our turn. Loaded!

"Tickets please."

I showed her my phone and we enter.

"Have fun ladies."

"You too." I say. Wait! You too? She's not going to the concert! I laugh to myself and Brad holds my hand.

"What's so funny?"

"I told the lady you too."

She laughs and smiles, "I love you Chris."

We walk up the stairs to the venue and see Andrew performing Cecelia and the Satellite. We him along to it as he speaks, "Remember those parachutes from second grade you would use in PE? Well you get to use one again right now!" A giant parachute chutes over the lawn and everyone screams with joy.

Bradley grabs my hand and leads me into the pit. "Ready for the best fucking night of your life?"

"Hell yes!"


Hello again! So I have a question for all of you and I'd really like an answer if u could give me one! Would you guys be interested in a cover competition for this book and my new book called Scars?

Scars is about a transgender trying to love a normal life and get rid of all of his past scars that burden him today. Please check that out if you haven't already.

Anyway, if you guys want to do the contest then please comment and I'll try to post the contest rules soon! I'm going to be out of town for a few days such mean no wifi *sobs in the background*, so I might not be able to post the rules ASAP, but once the rules are up them the contest starts!!

Thank you guys sm for the 5K reads! I never imagined this book to get so far and I'm so happy! It's so good to hear some of your stories about how you came out and stuff and it just makes my day! Love u all!!!!


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