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Liam's POV

****1 Month Later****

It's been a month since Zayn had an amnseia. Everyday I told him stories about his life, but not the ones that happened before we met. Zayn is making a good progress and he is willing to learn more about himself each day, but he doesn't show any signs of remembering things on his own.

"Liam?" Zayn knocked on my room.

"Yes Zayn?" I asked.

"Erm. Paul said we need to get going since we are starting at our new school." He replied.

"Okay..." I sighed. "Give me like 5 mins or so I'll meet you downstairs ok?" I said to him and he nodded in reply.

I'm still struggling on how I would tell Zayn the truth about me and our relationship. I keep wondering what would his reaction would be. Is good or bad? I'm scared. What if he rans away and won't accept it and Fuck! I have to stop overthinking this. This is just gonna make things worst.

30 minutes or so later, Zayn and I entered the new school we're going to. Paul explained to me that the principal knows about what happened so I'm guessing this is going to be a safe environment till I saw a familiar face.... Adam.

You see Adam is one of Chris' puppies. Adam was the one who caught me staring at Chris' cock during the 8th grade at the locker room. Since then, he used Chris the most popular guy in our grade to bully me. Seeing him in this school is going to be hell again.

'Liam, Welcome to hell 2.0' I said to myself.


Louis' POV

"But what?" Niall asked.

"I don't want to lead you on. I'm still in to Harry. I'm sorry." I apologized, I went to give Niall a hug but he rejected it.

"Whatever, I saw that coming already." He started, you could see in his eyes that he is getting angry. "Maybe you should've stopped me though. So we wouldn't be in this situation right now!" He shouted at me.

"Niall! I was drunk and you-" I was cut off by Niall.

"Don't you dare say drunk Louis! I'm Irish and even if I'm drunk, my mind is still sober enough to think!" He told me, then suddenly he punch me in the mouth.

"What the fuck!!? Niall what did I do to deserve this? Huh!? You fucking bastard?" I swore at him while aching the pain in my lips.

"That was for being a fucking bastard and not caring that maybe I feel something for you!" He yelled while aiming for another punch, when suddenly Harry entered the room and stopped Niall.

"What the fuck guys? I just left the room, then you started fist fighting each other?" Harry spoke. "You are so fucking childish you know that? Just because Louis couldn't accept the fact that Niall might like you doesn't mean you have to screw him up. And for you Niall, just because Louis couldn't remember that you gave him a blowjob doesn't give you the right to punch and act that you like him? Ok? Kapish?" He finished.

Niall and I just stood there with our heads down, because of embarrassment. Neither the both of us did tried to apologize which sent Harry off the edge again.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You guys should apologize and clearly no one is willing to. So guess what? Neither of you is allowed to go out of this room until the two of decided to make up. I'm so done with this." Harry said and left me and Niall inside his room still not making eye contact. This is going to be a long day.

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