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Zayn's POV

"What is this!?" I exclaimed making Liam and Adam pull away from their kiss.

"I... It. It's not what it looks like Zayn!" Adam tried to explain himself.

"I think it's clear enough to me that you two were about to start a relationship right there" I said.

"Zayn this is none of business" Liam said.

"I think I do Liam." I stated.

"How?" Liam asked.

"I am your boyfriend Liam" I stated, leaving Liam and Adam shocked.

"Youu... You're back.!!" Liam cried and kissed me in the lips. "How did this happen?" He added


I was awoken from my nap by Adam's voice downstairs. So I decided to stand and eavesdropped on what's happening. I heard Liam talking about him being bullied by Adam and Adam talking about Liam being gay. That's when it hit me in the head.

I felt this sudden dizziness and I started to hallucinate. I started to see visions in my head of my family. My first basketball game. Liam and I kissing. Liam and I running away from home. Liam and I flying a plane. It all came back, all the memories that I've been wanting to remember.

As soon as I recovered from my hallucinations. I decided to go downstairs and surprise Liam but instead I was the one who got surprised.

~Flashback ends~

"This is amazing!" Adam stated.

"It is Adam, but why are you and my boyfriend kissing?" I asked.

"About that, I'm really sorry. I guess we just got caught in the moment." Adam replied. "I swear it won't happen ever again." He added.

With that Adam left, leaving me and my Liam cuddling on the couch


Niall's POV

***** 1 week later *****

So far Louis and I have been fine, no fights at all. We've been hanging out all the time, sometimes without Harry anymore. Sometimes these hangout turns into make out sessions.

Sometimes I wonder if Louis and I are dating. I haven't asked him yet about this stuff, but i'm too scared to ask. I wonder what Harry thinks about Louis and I.

"Hazzz" I called Harry's name as I walked out of the kitchen towards the living with two apples.

"Yep?" He replied not taking his sight on his phone.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked while sitting beside him.

"Go ahead." He replied still not looking at me.

"Come on Harry! Look at me" I complained

"Ok... Fine" He said while putting away his phone. "Ask me your question." He added.

"Well" I started. "I know this guy who likes this guy and the feelings are mutual. They been hanging out the whole week and they've been making. Does that mean they're dating.?" I asked.

Harry let out a small laugh. "You know what Ni? Just ask Louis. Ok?" He responded

"But i'm scared!" I said.

"Ni!" Harry whined.

"Cause what if Louis doesn't wanna date me or wanna be my boyfriend." I added.

"Well how would you know if he is gonna say that?" Harry replied.

"Agghh!!! Fine! I'll ask him." I said.

With that I got up and walked outside towards Louis' house.

You and I (Ziam/Nouis Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now