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Liam's POV

*****2 days later*****

Walking inside the church with Zayn and Paul is making me depressed even more. Today is Adam's funeral and I would say this is one of the saddest day I've witnessed. I saw his mom crying a river in front of his coffin. We sat on the middle section of the church. I still blame myself for what happened to Adam. I should have not let him kiss me in the first place, then none of this would've happened. He just came out of the closet. He hasn't seen the good things being out. I feel so sorry.

"Liam are you ok?" Zayn asked. I just shook my head. "Liam babe, he is in heaven now. He'll be safe there. I promise you." He continued. I gave him a small smile and held his hand.

The ceremony began and as time passed I couldn't bare to listen to the priest anymore. We fall in line towards the altar to take a look at Adam. Who is now sleeping in peace.

As Zayn and I reached Adam's coffin. I almost cried, but I held myself together. After our turn was over I couldn't hold it anymore. I stormed out of the church crying with Zayn following me behind.

"Zayn!" I cried on his chest.

"Shh Liam. It's gonna be fine" Zayn tried to calm me.

"It was my fault!" I said

"Liam it's not. Don't put yourself down." He started. "Sometimes people have to go unexpectedly." He finished while kissing my forehead.

Paul came out of the church and hugged Zayn and I. He told Adam's parents our condolences and that we had to leave early.

I still believe it was my fault.

Louis's POV


Why did my mother have to see this!!!? Ahhh!!!? I can't deal with this right now! FUCK FUCK FUCK!

"Louis Tomlinson! Kitchen Now!" My mother shouted at me and Niall.

I looked at Niall and he still is shock that my mother caught us making out. I'm shock too, but mostly mad and upset. I wish she didn't have to see it.

Niall and I walked down the stairs and headed to the kitchen. We passed Lottie and she clearly have no idea of what's happening. 'Poor her. I wish she'd be okay to have gay brother. Hopefully, like come on! A gay brother is better than a girl best friend to go shopping for clothes.' I thought to myself. Fuck it! I sound so fucking gay. Wait! I'm gay. Hah!

"Louis, I'll try to be calm here ok?" My mom said pacing back and forth, I nodded in reply. "So you and Niall are together?" We nod. "Okay, have you done any sexual things?" She asked, I blushed.

"Umm. I gave him a blowjob." I heard Niall said. I looked at him with eyes wide open. 'I can't believe he just said that to my mom!' I'm red as tomato right now. This conversation is gonna be interesting.

"Oh okay then.." My mom said. "Well, the only thing I can say is use a condom when you do it ok?" She continued. Niall and I looked up and gave her a weird look. "What!?" She asked.

"So you are okay with me being gay?" I asked.

"Of course Boo-" I cut her off.

"Mom! I told you don't call me that!" I demanded.

"Whatever Boo-Bear, just be safe in bed. Ok? Understand Niall" she said pointing at Niall. We both nodded. "You two are free." She said.

Niall and I headed back to my room when Lottie blocked our way.

"I still love you no matter what" she said and hugged me and Niall as well. I kissed her on the temple and thanked her. "So can we go shopping then? Cause you know guys are better at shopping than bffs." She said winking at me.

What can I do she is my sister.

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