Chapter 9

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As dawn quickly approached, Sunset Shimmer, Sunset Glare, and Winona wallked on a narrow rim of a mountain. Later on, as they stepped out of the thick trees, Sunset Shimmer caught the sight of something far below. It was Canterlot completely frozen over. "Canterlot." Sunset Shimmer said. Sunset Glare looked down on it, and said "It's completely frozen." "But it'll be fine." Sunset Shimmer said. "Twilight will thaw it, along with all of Equestria." "Will she? Sunset Glare asked. Feeling uncertain, Sunset Shimmer said "Yeah. Now come on. This way to the North Mountain?" She pointed straight ahead, but Sunset Glare pointed her hoof up toward a perilously mighty mountain as he said "More like this way." Sunset Shimmer looked up at the mountain in awe. Later on, Sunset Shimmer, Sunset Glare, and Winona walked beneath the frozen willows. The hanging branches glistened like Christmas lights, and Winona jumped up to knock them with her paws. They tinkled like wind chimes. "I never knew winter could be so beautiful." Sunset Shimmer said in awe. "Yeah, it really is beautiful, isn't it?" A voice said from out of nowhere. "But it's so white. You know, how about a little color? Must we bleach the joy out of it all? I'm thinking like maybe some crimson, chartreuse-."

Sunset Shimmer and Sunset Glare looked around for the source of the rambling. They looked at Winona because they thought that she could actually talk. Winona just looked back at them. In the meantime, a noseless snow-dragon wandered up behind them as he said "How about yellow?" He shook his head, and said "No, not yellow. Yellow and snow? go." He stopped between Sunset Glare and Sunset Shimmer as they looked down at him. The snow-dragon looked at Sunset Shimmer, and said "Am I right?" Sunset Shimmer screamed and kicked his head clean off. Sunset Glare caught it with his magic, and the snow-dragon said "Hi!" "You're creepy." Sunset Glare said as he tossed the head to Sunset Shimmer, and they commence a game of hot potato. "I don't want it!" Sunset Shimmer said as she tossed the head back to Sunset Glare who tossed it back to her, and said "Back at you!" "Please don't drop me." The snow-dragon said. "Don't!" Sunset Shimmer said as she tossed the head back to Sunset Glare who tossed it back to her, and said "Come on, it's just a head." "No!" Sunset Shimmer said as she tossed the head back to Sunset Glare who tossed it back to her. As the snow-dragon's body ran at Sunset Shimmer, he said "All right, we got off to a bad start." "Ew, ew! The body!" Sunset Shimmer said as she slammed the head back on the body, upside down. The snow-dragon smiled happily. but then he looked confused as he said "Wait, what am I looking at right now? Why are you hanging off the earth like a bat?"

Feeling sympathetic, Sunset Shimmer knelt down to the snow-dragon, and said "Okay. Wait one second." She fixed the snow-dragon's head, and he said "Oooh! Thank you!" "You're welcome." Sunset Shimmer said smiling. "Now I'm perfect." The snow-dragon said. Sunset Shimmer got an idea, and said "Well, almost." She digged into Sunset Glare's satchel, held up a dog biscuit with her magic just as the snow-dragon turned towards her, and the dog biscuit accidentally slamed all the way through her head. "Woo! Head rush!" The snow dragon said. "Oh! Too hard!" Sunset Shimmer said. "I-I-I was just...are you okay?" The snow-dragon looked at the tiny piece of the dog biscuit sticking out between his eyes, smiled, and said "Are you kidding? I am wonderful! I've wanted a nose. So cute. It's like a little baby unicorn!" Sunset Shimmer reached behind the snow-dragon to the bulk of the dog biscuit sticking out the back of his head, and pushed it forward as he said "What? Hey? Whoa." He looked at the now big nose, and said "Oh, I love it even more! Hah. All right, let's start this thing over. Hi everypony. I'm Spike. And I like warm hugs." Sunset Shimmer looked at Spike closely, and said "Spike?" She thought for a minute, and she smiled as she said "That's right! Spike!" "And you are?" Spike asked. "Oh, um...I'm Sunset Shimmer." Sunset Shimmer said.

Spike turned to Sunset Glare, and said "And who's the funky-looking animal over there?" "That's Winona." Sunset Shimmer said. "Uh-huh. And who's the dog?" Spike asked. "Winona." Sunset Shimmer said. Spike looked at them, feeling confused, and then he said "Oh. They're...oh, okay. Makes things easier for me. Winona tried to bite Spike's nose, but she failed as the snow-dragon said "Ha. Aw, look at her trying to kiss my nose. I like you, too." "Spike, did Twilight build you?" Sunset Shimmer asked as Spike looked at her, and said "Yeah. Why?" Curious, Sunset Glare took one of Spike's twig arms off, and studied it as Sunset Shimmer said "Do you know where she is?" Sunset Glare studied the arm that moved, and said "Fascinating." "Yeah. Why?" Spike asked. "Do you think you could show us the way?" Sunset Shimmer asked. "Yeah. Why?" Spike asked as Sunset Glare bended the twig arm, and said "How does this work?" The twig arm slapped him across the face as Spike took the arm back, and said "Stop it, Winona. Trying to focus here." He looked at Sunset Shimmer, and said "Yeah. Why?" "I'll tell you why." Sunset Glare said. "We need Twilight to bring summer back to Equestria." Spike became shocked as he said "Summer?"

Sunset Glare nodded as Spike smiled, and said "Oh, I don't know why but I've always loved the idea of summer, and sun, and all things hot." "Really?" Sunset Glare asked. "I guess you don't have much experience with heat." "Nope." Spike said. "But sometimes I like to close my eyes, and imagine what it'd be like when summer does come." As he began to imagine it, he said "Bees will buzz, fillies and colts will blow dandelion fuzz, my snow up against the burning sand, getting gorgously tanned, seeing a summer breeze blow away a winter storm, finding out what happens to solid water when it gets warm, relaxing in the sun while letting off steam, and the sky will be blue when I finally do what frozen things do in summer!" "I'm gonna tell him." Sunset Glare said as looked at Spike. "Don't you dare!" Sunset Shimmer said. When Spike stopped imagining, he straighten up, smiled, and said "So, come on! Twilight's this way. Let's go bring back summer!" Sunset Shimmer laughed as she followed Spike, and said "I'm coming!" As Winona followed them, Sunset Glare looked at them, and said "Somepony's got to tell him." He then ran off to catch up with them.

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