Chapter 13

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Up in the north mountain, Prince Blueblood, and his followers cautiously approached the ice castle. He turned to his followers, and said "We are here to find Princess Sunset Shimmer. Be on guard, but no harm is to come to Princess Twilight Sparkle. Do you understand?" The followers nodded while Flim and Flam exchanged looks with each other. They approach the castle, but then, Hydra rose up from the snow and said "Go away!" He slammed his claws towards Prince Blueblood who dodged it just in time. Some of the followers charged at Hydra who quickly knocked them over. and he threw down another follower. Hydra raised his foot to step on Prince Blueblood, but he barrel-rolled to safey. Just then, Twilight Sparkle peeked at her front doors, and Flim and Flam spotted her as Flim said "The princess." They charged up the stairs as Twilight Sparkle quickly closed the doors, and ran up the stairs. Flim and Flam bursted the door opened, and looked around. Flam spotted Twilight Sparkle, and said "Up there!" "Come on!" Flim said as he and Flam ran up the stairs. They trapped Twilight Sparkle at the top floor, and raised their crossbows at her. "No, please!" Twilight Sparkle said. Flim fired his crossbow at Twilight Sparkle who created an ice wall, blocking the arrow. Flam was about to take a shot, but Twilight Sparkle shot ice at them as she said "Stay away!" "Get her! Get her!" Flim said as Twilight Sparkle began fighting for her life.

Outside the ice castle, Prince Blueblood nearly got crushed by Hydra, but dodged just in time. He jumped on his hooves, took out his sword, and sliced Hydra's leg. He stumbled back, off balance, and fell over a cliff as he struck Prince Blueblood. He clung onto the ice steps, and some of his followers helped him up. They then rushed up the stairs, and into the ice castle. At the top floor, Twilight Sparkle became surrounded, but she quickly trapped Flim in a cage of ice spikes that threatened his neck. Flam was about to fire his crossbow, but Twilight Sparkle knocked the weapon away from him, and pushed a wall of ice against him. The balcony doors shattered as he was being pushed to the edge. Prince Blueblood, and his followers reached the top floor, and he said "Princess Twilight! Don't be the monster they fear you are!" Twilight Sparkle snapped out of her rage, and became overwhelmed, and frightened. Flim was about to fire his crossbow at Twilight Sparkle, but Prince Blueblood stopped him, and made him fire the crossbow at the ice chandelier. The arrow slashed at the ice chandelier, and Twilight Sparkle gasped as it started to fall on her. She ran out of the way, but she fell in the blast, and she was knocked out cold. When she woke up, she realized she was in a dungeon cell at the castle in Canterlot. She tried rushing to a nearby window, but she was held down by giant shackles that held her hooves. She looked out the window, and muttered "No. What have I done?"

Suddenly, Prince Blueblood opened the cell door, and walked inside. He placed his lantern by the cell door, and walked up to Twilight Sparkle who said "Why did you bring me here?!" "I couldn't just let them kill you." Prince Blueblood said. "But I'm a danger to Canterlot." Twilight Sparkle said. "Get Sunset Shimmer." "Sunset Shimmer has not returned." Prince Blueblood said. As Twilight Sparkle looked at the storm with a worried look on her face, Prince Blueblood said "If you would just stop this winter, bring summer back to Equestria...please." Twilight Sparkle looked at Prince Blueblood, and said "Don't you see? I can't! You have to tell them to let me go!" "I will do what I can." Prince Blueblood said as he walked to the cell door, picked up his lantern with his magic, opened the cell door, walked out, and closed it. Twilight Sparkle became distraught, and she looked down to see her shackles began to freeze over. As the storm picked up outside, Sunset Glare ran with Sunset Shimmer on his back while Winona ran with her owner, and Spike slid on the snow like a penguin. Sunset Shimmer shivered, and Sunset Shimmer placed his orange hat on her head as he said "Hang in there." He looked at Winona, and said "Come on, girl, keep up!" Spike slid past them as he said "I'll meet you guys at the castle!" "Stay out of sight, Spike!" Sunset Glare said. "I will!" Spike said. He looked at a pony, and said "Hello!" The pony screamed, and said "It's alive!"

The pony guards saw Sunset Glare and Sunset Shimmer coming their way, and one of the guards said "It's Princess Sunset Shimmer!" Winona and Sunset Glare stopped running, and as he walked to the gate while holding Sunset Shimmer with his magic, he said "I've got you." "Are you g-gonna be okay?" Sunset Shimmer asked. Sunset Glare became touched as he said "Don't worry about me." The gate opened, and Lyra Heartstrings, Flash Sentry, and Bon Bon rushed to help Sunset Shimmer as Lyra Heartstrings said "Sunset Shimmer! Oh, you had us worried sick." "My mare, you are freezing." Flash Sentry said. "You poor mare, you're freezing." Lyra Heartstrings said. "Let's get you inside." "Get her warm, and find Prince Blueblood immediately." Sunset Glare said. Flash Sentry nodded, and said "We will. Thank you." "Make sure she's safe!" Sunset Glare said as Lyra Heartstrings, Bon Bon, and Flash Sentry moved Sunset Shimmer into the castle grounds. The gate then closed on Sunset Glare, and Winona whined a little as she stared at the gate. Sunset Glare sighed as he walked off, and Winona followed him.

In the library, Prince Blueblood prepared to go out as he said "I'm going back out to look for Princess Sunset Shimmer." "You cannot risk going out there again." Soarin said. "If anything happens her-!" Prince Blueblood tried to say, but Flamethrower interrupted him, and said "If anything happens to the princess, you are all Canterlot has left." Prince Blueblood began to hesitate, but before he could say anything, the door opened, and Lyra Heartstrings and Flash Sentry brought Sunset Shimmer inside as Flash Sentry said "He's in here. Prince Blueblood." "Sunset Shimmer!" Prince Blueblood said as he rushed to Sunset Shimmer who fell into his hooves. "You're so cold." "Blueblood, you have to kiss me." Sunset Shimmer said in a weak and desperate tone. "What?" Prince Blueblood asked. "Now. Here we go. Sunset Shimmer said. As Sunset Shimmer tried to kiss him, Lyra Heartstrings said "We'll give you some privacy." They walked out of the room, and Flash Sentry closed the door as Prince Blueblood said "What happened out there?" "Twilight struck me with her powers." Sunset Shimmer said. "You said she'd never hurt you!" Prince Blueblood said. "I was wrong." Sunset Shimmer said. She then felt a sharp pain in her chest, and she crumbled, but Prince Blueblood caught her as he said "Sunset!" He carried Sunset Shimmer with his magic to a red couch, and set her down. She shivered, and said "She froze my heart, and only an act of true love can save me."

Prince Blueblood then had an idea as he said "A true love's kiss." He held onto Sunset Shimmer's chin with his hoof as she closed her eyes. Prince Blueblood then closed his eyes as he leaned forward. But then, he stopped leaning, opened his eyes, and said "Oh, Sunset Shimmer. If only there was somepony out there who loved you." "What?" Sunset Shimmer asked as she opened her eyes. As Prince Blueblood got up, and walked to a window, Sunset Shimmer said "You said you did!" As Prince Blueblood shut the curtains on the window, he said "As thirteenth in line in my own kingdom, I didn't stand a chance. I knew I'd have to marry into the throne somewhere." "What are you talking about?" Sunset Shimmer asked in shock. As Prince Blueblood put the candles out with his magic, he said "As heir, Twilight Sparkle was preferable, of course, but nopony was getting anywhere with her, but you." "Blueblood?" Sunset Shimmer asked. "You were so desperate for love that you were willing to marry me, just like that!" Prince Blueblood said as he took out a pitcher filled with water. "I figured, after we married, I'd have to stage a little accident for Twilight Sparkle." He poured the water on the fireplace, putting out the fire as Sunset Shimmer fell to the floor while trying to stop him, and said "Blueblood. No, stop!"

"But she then doomed herself, and you were dumb enough to go after her." Prince Blueblood said with a cruel smirk on his face. "Please." Sunset Shimmer said in a pleading tone. Prince Blueblood chuckled, and said "All that's left now is to kill Twilight Sparkle, and bring summer back to Equestria." Sunset Shimmer glared at Prince Blueblood, and said "You're no match for Twilight!" "No." Prince Blueblood said looking down at Sunset Shimmer. "You're no match for Twilight. I, on the other hoof, am the hero who is going to save Equestria from destruction." As he walked to the door, Sunset Shimmer said "You won't get away with this!" Prince Blueblood opened the door, looked down at Sunset Shimmer, and said "Oh, I already have." He closed the door, and locked it as Sunset Shimmer crawled to the door, tried to open it up to no avail, and said "Please, somepony help!" The rest of her mane turned completely white, and she crumbled to the floor as she weakly said "Please. Please."

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