Chapter 14

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In the council chamber, Cranky Doodle Donkey was looking out the window at the the growing snowstorm. As he shivered, he said "It's getting colder by the minute. If we don't do something soon, we'll all freeze to death." Prince Blueblood put on a distraught look on his face, and opened the door as Flamethrower said "Prince Blueblood!" "Princess Sunset Shimmer is...dead." Prince Blueblood said sadly. Soarin gasped, and said "What?! No!" "What happened to her?!" Cranky Doodle asked as he, Soarin, and Flamethrower helped Prince Blueblood who nearly stumbled with grief to a chair. They sat him down as he said "She was killed by Princess Twilight Sparkle." They gasped in shock as Cranky Doodle Donkey said "Her own sister." "At least we got to say our marriage vows...before she died in my hooves." Prince Blueblood said faking his sorrow. "There can be no doubt now." Cranky Doodle said. "Princess Twilight Sparkle is a monster, and we are all in great danger." "Prince Blueblood, Canterlot looks to you." Prince Blueblood nodded, and said "With a heavy heart, I charge Princess Twilight Sparkle with treason and sentence her to death."

In her dugeon cell, Twilight Sparkle looked out the window to see the snowstorm getting worse as the cell walls began to ice over, and the door became frozen shut. She heard the pony guards approaching as one of them said "She's dangerous. Move quickly, and resolve!" Twilight Sparkle began pulling on her shackles as they began to crack. The pony guards push and pull on the door as one of them said "It won't open! It's frozen shut!" Suddenly the weight of the ice crumbled, and the door bursted open. The pony guards ducked out of the way, and Prince Blueblood pushed through, only to see that Twilight Sparkle had already been gone. He growled in anger, and took off after her. On the mountain slope, Sunset Glare walked to the mountains while Winona lagged on behind. She looked at Canterlot, then shook her head. She ran in front of Sunset Glare, and barked at him. "What is it, girl?" Sunset Glare asked. Winona nudged her owner who said "Hey, watch it. What's wrong with you?" Winona growled and barked in anger. "I don't understand you when you talk like that." Sunset Glare said. He tried walking ahead, but Winona growled at him, and walked towards him, making him go backwards as he said "Ah! Stop it!" He stopped walking backwards, and said "No, Winona! We're not going back!"

Winona shook her head, and Sunset Glare said "She's with her true love!" Winona raised an eyebrow as if to say "Really?" Suddenly the wind began picking up as Sunset Glare muttered "What the?" He looked at Canterlot to see a violent snow storm swirling over as he said "Sunset Shimmer." He began running back as Winona ran behind him, and he said "Come on, Winona!" In the castle library, Sunset Shimmer lay on the floor, shivering by the door. She looked up at the ceiling being overtaken by ice. Suddenly, the doorknob began jiggling as Sunset Shimmer weakly looked up, and said "Help." The door opened, and Spike entered as he took his dog biscuit nose out of the key hole. He saw Sunset Shimmer on the floor, and said "Sunset! Oh no." He ran to the fireplace, and threw in some wood in there. He yelped, and took the stick arm he threw in out of the pile of wood. As he lit up a match, Sunset Shimmer said "Spike?" Spike lit up the fireplace, and gazed in awe as Sunset Shimmer said "Spike, get away from there!" "Whoa. So this is heat." Spike said. "I love it." He caught on fire, but he quickly put it out as he said "Ooh! But don't touch it!" He helped Sunset Shimmer get to the fireplace for her to keep warm, and said "So, where's Blueblood? What happened to your kiss?"

"I was wrong about him." Sunset Shimmer said. "It wasn't true love." "Huh? But we ran all the way here." Spike said. "Please, Spike, you can't stay here." Sunset Shimmer said. "You'll melt." "I am not leaving here until we find some other act of true love to save you." Spike said as he sat down behind Sunset Shimmer. "Do you happen to have any ideas?" "I don't even know what love is." Sunset Shimmer said. "That's ok. I do." Spike said. "Love is putting somepony else's needs before yours. Like, you know, how Sunset Glare brought you back here to Prince Blueblood, and left you forever." "Sunset Glare loves me?" Sunset Shimmer asked. Spike went in front of Sunset Shimmer as he said "Wow, you really don't know anything about love, do you?" His face started to melt as Sunset Shimmer said "Spike, you're melting." "Some ponies are worth melting for." Spike said. Sunset Shimmer smiled, and Spike started pushing his face back into position as he said "Just maybe not right this second."

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