30 Days...?

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It was March, 2007, when Joey heard the news.

"Joseph, you have been diagnosed with lung cancer."

Those eight words had hit Joey like a bus. He was devastated and fell into a very strong depression.

Five years later, Joey heard that he was a warrior, and that he had beat cancer's ass. It was then that Joey decided to kick off a YouTube channel, rewarding himself for recovering from that terrible disease. His channel grew slowly at first, but as the years went by he became more and more popular. (I am aware this isn't when Joey started his channel, but I chose this year for story purposes.)

Now, here we are. It's 2016, no sign of cancer. Joey's YouTube career is booming. He's one of the top youtubers, creating content with people like Shane Dawson, Colleen Evans, Trisha Paytas, and many more. He had recently came out at gay to his viewers in 2015, which also helped his views and subscription number go up.

Until one bitter day...

Joey had been going to the doctor for a checkup, just in case the cancer had returned. The chances of it returning were extremely low, but Joey knew to take precautions. He didn't want to risk getting terribly ill without a heads up.

As he walked into the building that day, he could tell something was going to go terribly wrong. The sky was grey, clouds looming above. It was unusual for Los Angeles to be this gloomy, especially at this time of year.

After Joey had gone in for a scan, he was told to wait a few days and they'd call him in to tell the results. The next few days he had grown very anxious. Terrible thoughts were flooding his mind and he couldn't shake them off. Those bad thoughts were returning. They were attacking him, cornering him and causing him to shake with fear.

Until the phone rang. Joey had grabbed it immediately, answering hesitantly.

"Ah yes, Mr. Graceffa. I'd like you to come in. The results are not something I'd like to talk about over the phone." the doctor said into the phone, and all colour was lost from Joey's face.

The boy hung up the phone, hopping into his car immediately as he drove off to the hospital.

Once there, he was taken into a private room, the doctor walking in shortly. Joey remembers this very clearly. The doctor wore black jeans and a red button up shirt, a long white coat covering the majority of the outfit. He had smiled sadly, walking up to the boy.

"This is very rare. You haven't had any cancer scares for the past four years, correct?" the doctor had asked, and Joey had nodded meekly. "It seems as though the original treatment didn't completely get rid of all the cancer cells in your body, causing them to grow into a new tumour. But this time, I'm afraid it's come back stronger than ever. I regret to inform you that you only have 30 Days to live." the doctor had finished, and it felt as if Joey's whole world had collapsed.

He simply nodded, shock and depression soon soaked into his body like water into a sponge. He was going to die. He was never going to have his first boyfriend. He was never going to get married or have children. He was never going to go to another VidCon or meet anymore viewers. He was going to die.

So, Joey had decided, he'd make this the best month of his life. And one specific man made sure of it.

(a/n: before you say anything, it is possible for cancer to return after that long. very unlikely, but possible. i will also mostly be focusing on this story for a while!)

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