f o u r t e e n (real)

941 58 24

Joey's POV

It's been three weeks. Three whole fucking weeks. Daniel took me to Vegas a couple days ago, and we currently sat snuggled up on a king sized bed in New York City. This is the boy I want to spend my last week, day, and breath with. The boy who moved next door unexpectedly and turned my life upside down. The boy who never gave up on me, despite my attempts to push him away. The boy I'm falling for immensely, but will never know.

"What're you thinking about, sweetheart?" Daniel asks, running his finger through my hair and kissing my neck lightly.

I sigh, turning slightly to look at him.

"You," I whisper, my eyes raking from his eyes to his plump lips.

A smile plays on his perfectly shaped lips, our fingers intertwining as I turn fully around, our chests pressed together and our faces merely inches apart. I blush as he pushes a stray piece of my hair back, licking his lips just the slightest bit and smiling.

"You're beautiful, Joey." he whispers, leaning in and kissing the crook of my neck.

The blush on my cheeks grows a deeper shade at his words, feeling his lips disconnect with my neck. He leans his head back, gazing into my bright blue-green orbs with his deep green ones. I smile, leaning in the slightest bit, our lips connecting. It feels as if a fire is beginning to burn, my body gasoline, his a flame. He pulls me tightly against him, our bodies pressed together, little-to-no space between us. I smile into the kiss, his tongue gliding gently along my lips as the kiss grows more heated.

"Daniel," I say breathlessly, pulling away. He looks at me, his eyes full of concern and his lips parted slightly.

"Yes, sweetie?" he asks, smiling.

"I really like you." I whisper, pressing my nose against his. He chuckles lightly, brushing his nose against mine.

"I really like you, too." he replies. I smile and begin kissing his lips again.

Soon, shirts are removed and our lips are desperately attacking each other. The rest, however, I'll leave up to your imagination.

(a/n: no smut🌚 bUT WOOH IT HAS BEEN TOO LONG. SOWWY.😖)

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