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Joey's POV

My eyes open slowly as I look around. Where am I? I take in my surroundings and come to the conclusion that I am in a hospital bed. Wouldn't be the first time.

"Joey? You're awake?" I hear a voice croak out from beside me. I turn and look, seeing an exhausted looking Daniel sitting there.

"Yeah, I guess so." I reply softly and take in his appearance.

There are massive, dark bags resting below his eyes and his hair is messy and sticking out in different directions. For someone looking their worst, he still somehow manages to look absolutely perfect. Everything that happened is all a blur. I remember kicking Daniel out and then going straight to bed. The next morning I awoke and fell down the stairs, but that's all I remember. How did Daniel find me? Did I forget to lock the front door last night? I must have. How else would Daniel have found me? All this thinking causes a great deal of pain in my head, or maybe that was just the tumble I took down the stairs.

"You seem to have taken quite the fall, darling." Daniel states calmly as his fingers rake through my hair, "You have quite the bruises and your face is covered in cuts. How did this happen? Do you remember?"

I think for a moment before responding.

"All I remember is falling down the stairs. I had just woken up, so I may have been a little dizzy. I'm sure that's all." I manage to choke out and suddenly the floor becomes the most interesting thing in the room.

"Joey you have to talk to me about what happened. I don't expect you to right now, but that wasn't something someone just does. There had to have been a reason and I hope you'll share that with me sooner rather than later." Daniel lets out and I feel him place his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Daniel. I promise I will tell you, just not right now. When I'm out of here, I will." I say calmly, turning to face him and look into his eyes.

"It looks like you'll be staying here for a few days." Daniel sighs and sits on the chair next to my bed.

I sigh in response and look at the other boy.

"You don't have to stay here. You can go home." I mumble and twiddle my thumbs.

"Honey, I want to stay here. So I will."

(a/n: 3/3 updates on this story today. how exciting! so crazy that ive already had this account for a year holy shit.)

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