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Joey's POV

It's 11am the next morning, when a knock sounds on my door, indicating Daniel has arrived for our coffee "date." I'm (s)nervous. Do I tell him that I'm going to die? Is it too soon? I don't want him to get into a friendship without him knowing there's no way in hell I'm living for more than a month, right?

After a few moments of debating back and forth in my head, I decide I'll wait until I know the time is right. Who knows if this will even turn into anything. I've informed my closest friends and family of the tragic series events, and that was hard enough. But a total stranger? Will he think I'm searching for attention? I shake the thoughts out of my head and walk to my door, opening it widely and plastering a fake smile on my face.

"Hello there, Joseph. How're you on this fine A.M?" Daniel asks as soon as I open the door. A blush creeps upon my face and I look to the ground.

"I'm doing fine, thanks. And you?" I reciprocate, biting my lip as I take in his appearance.

"I'm just wonderful! It's a beautiful day outside. Perfect for a stroll!" he exclaims. A small grin forms on his plump lips and I feel my cheeks heat.

"It is. How about we walk to the coffee shop a few blocks away?" I question, slipping my sandals on. He nods, holding my door open for me as walk out.

I feel his eyes on my as I walk directly in front of him, pausing for a brief moment so we can walk beside one another. As I peek over at him, my eyes rake up and down his body. He wears beige sandals, tight khaki shorts, and a dark blue and white stripped t-shirt. My tongue darts out of my mouth and runs along my lips as I stare at the boy's behind.

"Joey?" I'm suddenly taken out of my daze by Daniel waving his hand in front of my face.

"O-Oh, sorry. What did you say?" I ask, yet another blush tinting my cheeks.

He smirks, pointing towards a building. I look and see the coffee shop directly in front of us. I hear a light chuckle slip out of his mouth as he leads me into the building. As soon as we walk in, the aroma of coffee fills my nostrils.

We head over and order out drinks, waiting patiently for them to be ready. As soon as they are, we take them and find a table in the corner to sit at.

"So, Joey," Daniel begins, making direct eye contact with me, "tell me about this job of yours."

And that's the question that kickstarts our conversation. We end up staying at the coffee shop much later than planned, causing Trisha to text me and ask where I was. I discovered many new things about Daniel, including the fact that he strongly dislikes ketchup and can't stand the smell of lavender. Both things were weird to me, but I didn't say anything.

As we walk up to my doorstep, I smile and awkwardly shove my hands into my pockets.

"So I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Mr, Graceffa?" Daniel states, more as a question than a statement. I nod and Daniel smiles before walking in the direction of his home.

I giggle lightly and wave at him before entering my house. Right as I'm about to close the door, a strong pair of hands stops it. Daniel stands there.

"I forgot something," he says breathlessly before leaning in, gripping firmly on the back of my head, and connecting our lips.

(a/n: what if i started a Tronnor fic...)

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