chapter one

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Ashley pov .

I woke up and look around and  I got out of bed and slowly walk to the door . I open the door , poke my head out and seen that my dads door was close . I put my head back in my room and locked the door . I walk  to my dresser and open it and got out black jeans, a tank top. I put my clothes on my bed . I went to my door and unlocked it . Then the door burst open my dad looked at me . My dad was druggie and he drink a lot . My dad looked angry. I back up away from him. The he came at me . My dad started hitting me then he push me on the floor and kick me in the stomach. I was crying so hard . I was in a lot of pain. My dad stop and looked at me and left the room. I was still on the floor crying. My dad has been hitting me after mom die . I stop crying and got up my stomach was hurting really bad. I slowly walk to the bathroom . When I reach the bathroom I locked the door and then I got undress and look in the mirror. I had black hair , blue eyes , i was 5'3 . I got my looks from my mom . My mom had brown hair , blue eyes , she was 5'5 . . I loved her so much. I miss her a lot too . I wish she was here . I looked at myself I was studying my body .I looked at my sides and face I had a lot of bruises from my dad hitting me . I turn on the shower and went in. I wash my body and my hair , I shaved my legs . Then I got out of the shower and wrap a towel around me. I unlocked the door and went to my room .
I went in my room and locked my door and went to my bed and got dress . I finally got down I went to my desk and grab my book bag. Today was the last day of school . I put on my combat shoes and then went to my door and unlocked it and went down stairs. I seen my dad on the couch. I went to the kitchen to grab something to eat then I started to walk to the school . I finally got To school . I walk up to the doors Until rose and her friends came up to me . Rise said " well well what do we have here?
One of her friends said" I know it's that slut ." I was getting really angry . I hate Rose and her friends they always bully me . I said " I'm not a slut ." Rose looked at me and said " whatever . No one likes you , no one will date you."
I got really angry and walked away then. Rose grab my wrist . I said " let go of me . "Rose said " no ." I try to getting her her hand off my wrist . Then Rose told her friends to beat me up . So they did until the bell rang . They ran inside , rose let go and ran inside . I was on the floor crying I told Myself I'm not going to school today. I ran to my bike and drove home. When I got home I went inside I ran to my room . I sat on my bed and looked around . My dad came in and said "ashley she's gone . " my heart stop beating . I said to my self " please not again . He's drunk again . " My dad said in a angry voice " she die because of you . " then he came to me and beat the shit of me.
Then he left my room. I couldn't take it any more . I went to the bathroom and grab a razor and cut my wrist. I looked at it blood was coming out a lot. I said " shit . I grab a bandage and put on my wrist . I grab my mom's ring and put it on and said " mom I'm leaving I'm going away from here ." Then I ran to my room and grab a bag and put clothes and others things I needed it in the bag . I grab my money I saved up I had $ 700 dollars . I put in my pocket then I grab my bag and went down stairs and looked to see if my dad was there but he wasn't . I went to my bike and strapped my bag to it . I was 16 when I got my bike . Now I'm 18 . I got on and drove off.

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