Chapter 13

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Paul's pov
I was chasing laddie and Ashley around the room. Marko , David , and Dwayne were laughing there butts off . Laddie said " come and get us ." He stuck his tongue out. I said " oh I will little man." While laughing. Ashley  flip me off and said " hahahah you can't get us ." I said " David may I have help . " David said " I'm on it ." So David get up and help me . Ashley and laddie said " nah nah you guys can't get us ." David was in front of Ashley and said " catcha ." He grab Ashley . Ashley said " laddie run ." While laughing laddie was laughing at Ashley because she got caught by David . I finally got laddie And said " hahah look who I have ." Laddie looked at me and said " hmm batman ?" I said " oh you want to go there hmm then that means I'm the joker ." While laughing. Laddie said " that means we have to fight." I looked at him and said " hmm I guess so ."

Dwayne's pov
I looked at Paul and laddie and they were talking about batman and the joker . I was looking at my magazine.
Well I'm so happy that laddie is my son I love him .
Then Marko came over and sat down by me. Marko said " hey man . " I look at him and hey Marko. Wazs up?"
Marko said " not much. Hey can we get food I'm starving." I looked at him and said " yeah let's go ." So Marko and me went to feed . After we finish feeding we went to the store and grab some things for the others . Then we went to the cave . When we got there Paul and laddie was playing a game Dave and Ashley were no where to be found. I'm guessing the went to feed . Paul said " hey guys . Wanna play with us ." I said " sure ." Marko and me walk over to Paul and laddie  we play monopoly .

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