Chapter ten

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Ashley's pov
I can't believe I'm David's mate I'm so happy . We went back to the cave David told the boys to go to the went to the boardwalk and it was just David and me . I said " David I found out that I'm your mate ." David walk close to me and look at me I said " I glad to ." Then he kiss me " to be your mate ." I smile at him I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. David lifted me up and we went to the bed . David said " Ashley I love you ." I smiled and said " oh David I love you too . I don't know what I would do with out you and the guys ." David laught and kiss my neck . ( you guys can imagine what happens next :) .)

David's pov
After Ashley went to bed the boys came back and they were happy . Paul said" so how was it as he winked. I said " Paul shut up I'm not telling you guys . Marko and Paul was laughing and Dwayne was just nod we all went to bed .
In my dream
Ashley and me were walking down to the beach we were holding hands . Max was there and  he was standing in front of us and then he was was laughing and said " oh David my boy it's time to say good bye to Ashley ." I said " what are you talking about?"
Then Max had Ashley and bent her neck over and Ashley looked at me and said " David help me !" Then  Max bit down Ashley's neck and she was screaming then she was gone . Max had drained all her blood . I got so upset I was crying I said " your did this and now your going to die max ." Then I killed max .
I woke up I seen the boys were still sleeping so I went back to sleep .

Dwayne's pov
We all got on the bikes and went to the boardwalk. Ashley and David were holding hands and talking . Paul and Marko are goofy around I went to get something to eat . I seen a little boy crying I went to him and asked why he was crying and he said" I can't find my mom ." I said " I'll help you find her . My name is Dwayne . What's yours ?"  The little boy said " Laddie ." I took his hand and went back to the others . When we got there laddie was holding my hand . David ask who's the boy ? I said " this is laddie he's mom lefties him . " Marko and Paul came over talk to laddie . I said to laddie that this is Paul , Marko , David , and Ashley  as I pointed at them . Marko said " David can we keep him ." I said " I'll take care of him ." David said " alright he can stay with us . " Marko and Paul said " yes!" 

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