chapter two

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  Ashley's pov.
I drove for hours until I got to Santa Carla " murder capital of the world."
I said" I always want to come here when I was little." I decided to go the boardwalk I park my bike and started to walk around I seen a comic book shop . I walk in and looked around I stop at the superman comic books  I pick up one and looked at it . I felt eyes watching me . I looked up and seen a boy my age looking at me . The boy came over to me said " I haven't seen u around here . You must be new . " I looked at him he had a red bandana on . I said " yeah . I'm new here . My name is Ashley . " The bandana boy said"  my name is Edgar and over there ." He pointed "is my brother Alan. And we are the frog brothers." Then Alan came over to us . I said" nice to meet you guys . " they said " nice to meet you too." I put the comic book down and held my hand out for Edgar to shake it.

Edgar's pov
I shake Ashley's hand. I noticed the bandage around her wrist . I said " what happen to your wrist ." I was wondering what happened to her wrist . Ashley just looked at me and said " it's nothing ." Her voice sounded upset . I said" ok anyways . "Alan gave Ashley a comic book. Ashley looked at it and said " vampires everywhere."
Alan said " yeah it can save your life ." I looked at her and then at Alan . I said " have you notice anything weird around Santa Carla ?" Ashley said " no it's pretty nice here . " I said " yeah for vampires ." Ashley looked at me funny .

Ashley's pov
I said " ok then we'll I have to go . "
Alan said " there's a number on the back . pray that you don't have to call us."
I looked at him then at Edgar and said " ok then." I walked out and walk around . I went to a video store and said" Max's videos." I walked in and looked around. Then four guys came in and looked at me . I looked at them then I looked away . I walk out of the store and went to the bar . I walk in and grab a beer . Then someone was beside me. And said " hey ." I looked at him . He had black hair, black coat no shirt on , black jeans , and black boots . I said " hi ." He said " my name is Dwayne." I looked at him and said hi Dwayne my name is Ashley." Dwayne said " well why is a beautiful girl like you doing here ?" I said " it's a long story ." I took a other drink . I asked for some more beers . Then I asked for shots . I took the shots then grAb my beer . I said to Dwayne " nice meeting you I'm going to go . "I walked out of the bar and walk to the beach.
I still had four beers in my hand . I was walking along the beach . I sat down look at the ocean and then I drank two beers .
By now I feel really good .
I was wondering if my dad will be looking for me . Then I got scared . I drank my last two beers . I was thinking about my mom and then thinking about my dad all the hitting . I started to cry . I grab one of the beer bottle and throw it .

Dwayne pov
After Ashley left the bar I went to the boys . David said " where were you?"
I said " I was just looking at something ."
Marko said " yeah right ."
David said " let's go boys . "
We went to our bikes and drove off . I was wondering when i get to meet ashley. There was something about her. David said" okay boys we are gonna feed." Marko and Paul were howling very loudly. i smirked at them. Then we stop and we park our bikes and got off . We went to the tree on top of the hill. David said" okay boys let's go ." So we went to the group of people who were drunk. I was laughing . Then our faces change . We attack the group who were drunk.

ashley's pov

I said " i need to find a hotel for me to stay." Then i walk back to my bike and went to find a hotel. I finally came to a hotel . I part my bike and went inside . I went to the desk and asked " how much is for a room to stay in?' " The lady said" it's 15 ." I said " can i get a room?" The lady said" yes . by the way my name is Alex." I said " thanks Alex and my name is Ashley." Alex hand me a key and told me that my room is on the first floor . I went to my bike and grab my bag and went to my room. I open it and went in and shut the door and locked the door and i put my bag on my bed . I went to the bathroom and change into pjs i wore a long sleeve t-shirt and shorts. I went to the bed and fall asleep .

The next morning I got up and went to the my bag and grab a tank top , white skinny jeans,underwear , and a bra then went to the bathroom and took a shower. I got out and put on my clothes, then put on my boots. I went and grab 35 dollars and put it in my pants. I said to myself i'm gonna go to the comic store . I went and grab my key to the room and went down the hall. Alex was there . I told her that i'll be back later on tonight. Then i went to my bike and drove to the boardwalk.

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