Chapter five

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Edgar's pov
I got up from bed and went to wake up Alan. We both open the doors to the shop. 
Few hours past its 7:00
Alana's talking to a customer about the batman comics and I was fixing the comics. I looked over at Alan and he was done talking to the customer. Alan came over to me and said " hm do you think Ashley will come in?" I said " I don't know . Maybe she will I really hope so ."

Alan's pov
I looked at Edgar and said " me too Edgar. " Then I walk to the back and grab more comics to put up. I was think of Ashley . I think I like her  I couldn't stop thinking about her . She had the most beautiful blue eyes ever . Then Edgar came over and was saying my name . I said " what ?" Edgar said " we're you thinking about Ashley ?" I said " yeah I was . Edgar I like her !" Edgar said " Alan I can tell you do ." I said " oh ." Edgar said " it's fine bro ."

Ashley's pov
I woke up I was at the hotel . I check the time it was 7:30 . I said " I was sleeping the whole day. I was thinking of what happen last night . Meeting the boys  I don't know what do think I told them what happen to me. I got up and went in the shower . Few minutes past I got out . I went to my bag and got out a dress . The dress was little black spaghetti strap lace- up. I put it on and I put on my flats shoes . Then I grab my purse and then I walk out of the hotel.  I'm gonna walk to the boardwalk .
So I walked to the boardwalk . I was happy I never felt beautiful in years . I got to the boardwalk. I went to the comic store. I seen Alan and Edgar  I said" hey guys ." I wave at them. They both look over to me . Alan said " wow you look beautiful." I said " thanks." While blushing.
I said " I'm going go get something to eat." Edgar said " ok ." Then I went grab a pizza . I finished my pizza and walked around . There was a concert KISS was performing. I love KISS The Demon , Spaceman , Starchild , and Catman.
I dance to there songs then my favorite song came on " I Was Made for Lovin' You . I was dancing crazy to that song. Then I noticed David , Paul , Marko , Dwayne was there watching . Then Starchild said" I need someone to come up here and sing this song with me . " Starchild pointed at me. I walk to the stage and Starchild asked what my name was. I said " Ashley ." Starchild said " well Ashley we are gonna sing Detroit Rock City." I said" awesome ." He had me a mic and we started to sing

I feel uptight on a Saturday night
Nine o' clock, the radio's the only light
I hear my song and it pulls me through
Comes on strong, tells me what I got to do
I got to

Get up
Everybody's gonna move their feet
Get down
Everybody's gonna leave their seat
You gotta lose your mind in Detroit Rock City

Get up
Everybody's gonna move their feet
Get down
Everybody's gonna leave their seat

Getting late
I just can't wait
Ten o'clock and I know I gotta hit the road
First I drink, then I smoke
Start up the car, and I try to make the midnight show

Get up
Everybody's gonna move their feet
Get down
Everybody's gonna leave their seat

Movin' fast, doin' 95
Hit top speed but I'm still movin' much too slow
I feel so good, I'm so alive
I hear my song playin' on the radio
It goes

Get up
Everybody's gonna move their feet
Get down
Everybody's gonna leave their seat

Twelve o'clock, I gotta rock
There's a truck ahead, lights starin' at my eyes
Oh my God, no time to turn
I got to laugh 'cause I know I'm gonna die

Get up
Everybody's gonna move their feet
Get up
Everybody's gonna leave their seat.
We finished singing I seen David and them starting at me. The crowd went wild they were clapping and cheering. Starchild said" wow girl you sing really good ." I said" thanks ." Then I got off the stage .
I slowly walk back to the hotel. I was few miles away . I felt someone walking be hide me. I turn and it was my dad . I was scared . I stop walking . My dad said" oh you didn't think I would find you here . Well I did ." I said " get away from me ." In a nervous voice. My dad said " no now sends you ran away . Your gonna get it now ." He came close to me and then he punched me in the stomach and in the face . He kept punching me in the face and the stomach. I caught up blood. I couldn't see that good . Then I felt a stabbing in my stomach. I screamed and screamed.

Dwayne 's pov
After we seen Ashley we went to go feed . Wow Ashley was beautiful in that dress. We went to go Ashley . I said " do you guys see her ?" Marko and Paul said "no." David said " she should be here somewhere." I said " Marko and Paul come with me let's go find her."
So we walk around the boardwalk didn't  see her .  Marko said " maybe she walked ." I said " yea les go walk until we find her ." Paul and Marko were playing around. We Walk for a few miles until we heard screaming. We went to see who was screaming . We seen a man stabbing a girl . When we walk up closer we seen it was Ashley . I said " Paul take care of the man." Paul nodded and then he went up to the man and snap his neck drank his blood . Marko and me ran to Ashley . She was laying down on the floor .  I hold her and Marko hold her hand . Ashley looked up at us . She was crying . I said " shh we gonna help you ." She nod slowly. I told Paul to go to David and meet us at the cave . So Marko flew to the cave . I carry Ashley and then we flew to the cave.
When we got to the cave David and Paul was there . Davis said " what happen ?" I said " some guy was stabbing her to death. " I put Ashley on the couch. She was still crying in pain. Ashley said " please make it stop ." We all looked at David . David said " alright do it ." Paul and Marko was standing beside me. I said to Ashley " ash your gonna be alright." Then I bite her she screamed . Then Paul and Marko help me clean her up. After that David put Ashley in the bed that was use to be star's .

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