Chapter seven

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Ashley's pov
I woke up I looked around to see where I was. I was at the cave . I got up I was in a room. I walked at and I seen the sunset was setting.
I walk to the couch and lay down I was still tried so I went back to sleep . I heard voices but I didn't want to get up . I was dreaming in the dream I was walking and my dad was there . He had a knife and he stabbed me over and over again . I screamed and screamed . I woke up I was breathing heavily and I was sweating.
I heard someone said my name but I didn't listen. I sat up and pull my knees to my chest.
I seen the boys
David said" Ashley everything is okay ."  Then I felt an arm around my shoulders . I looked to see who it was and it was Marko . Marko said" it's fine your with us . We went got ur stuff and it bike . " Paul said" yep your stay with us ." I said " ok thanks for getting my things." David said "your welcome."

David's pov
I said " So do you remember anything that happen to you?" Ashley said "yeah . I remember getting stabbed and getting punched a lot." Paul said" yeah but we save you . You don't have to go threw that again. You have us ." Ashley smile and nodded. Marko said " yep." Then Marko and Paul began to wrestling I just watch them .

Dwayne's pov
I help Ashley up she want to change her clothes. We walk to the bed room . I walk back to the others . David said " well boys lets go feed ." So we left the cave and feed .
After we fed we went to Max's video store. Max was there we all wave at max . Max said " hey boys how's it going." David said " it's going good max . How about you.?" Max said " that's good and great it's a beautiful night isn't." Paul said " sure is ." He was playing with a movie . Marko was looking at tv . David was standing beside me.
David said " well we got to go max." Max looked at us and said" alright boys I'll see you later " then David nodded and we left.
We go on our bikes and went to the cave .

Ashley's pov
I didn't know what to change into . The boys will be back soon. I went to my bags and I found a long shirt I put it on and I took off my pants then I heard the boys coming in . I walked out to them I said" hey guys ." They all looked and said " hey ash ." We all sat down David said "Marko go get food." So Marko left I was looking around Dwayne was reading a magazine, Paul was smoking a joint, and David was in his wheelchair he had a cigarette in his mouth. Then Marko came back with Chinese food David said" Chinese good choice." Marko handed everyone a box . I was eating mine then David said " how do you like those maggots , Ashley" I said " what." David said " you're eating maggots. How do they taste?" I looked the food and they were maggots I threw my food on the floor and spits out the food . The boy were laughing. David ask if I want some of his. I looked at it and said " there worms ." David tilts his head back pours the contents of the carton into his mouth. I grab his arm and said " Don't ! Stop !" David said " why ? There only noddles." David show me the carton and they were noddles . I let go of David's arm . David said something to Marko and them Marko left the room and came back with a bottle .Marko handed it to David and David open it and took a drink and then said " drink this be one of us."  I took it they boys were cheering my name then I drink it I took two more drinks then hand it back to David . They boys said " alright Ashley your one of us . " Paul had me his joint and I took it and smoke it and hand it back . Dwayne and Marko were dancing Paul put on some music. I was high and I was dancing then David came up to and dance with me .

David 's pov
I'm so happy that Ashley's here with us . Wow she can dance and it's funny when she high I bet this is her first time being high. Well we dance and dance Marko and Paul was laughing at Dwayne. I didn't pay attention to them . Ashley was giggling and then she kiss me .

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