Chatper six

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David 's pov
Well I hope Ashley makes it . It's been five days since she been out. The boys have been check on her and nothing . I told them to go feed I'll watch her . So they did . I walk to the bed that Ashley was in. I looked at her she seem so peaceful. Then I walk to my chair. I sat down waiting for them to come back. A few minutes they came back then I went to go feed.

Marlo's pov
We went to check in Ashely she was still sleeping . I can't wait until she wakes up . This would be awesome having a sister again . Well star was never a sister to us after what she did.
Then Paul said " Marko lets go have some fun ." I nod and me and Paul went to the Fountain. Paul and me started wrestling.
Then David came back and said " stop it you two ." Paul and me stop .

Paul's pov
I said " so it's almost sunrise we should go to bed." Marko , and David nod and we went to bed . Dwayne was not there. David said" Dwayne get in here ." Dwayne came in and we all went to bed .
I couldn't go to bed but I pretend to sleep. I looked at the others . I seen Marko he had his thumb in his mouth . I laughed so hard that I was crying I can't believe that Marko suck his thumb what a baby.

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