chapter four

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  David's pov

we got off our bikes and went inside the cave . Ashley said" you guys live here ?" I said " yep ." Ashley said" cool." i noticed her wrist it was wrap up. Marko said" so what brings you here to Santa Carla?"

I looked at here she seem nervous to tell us . Paul said" come on tell us!" Ashley clear her throat and said" umm i ran away from home. " Dwayne said" oh ok . " Marko and paul said at the same time " can she stay with us."I said " yeah she can ." I looked at her for a long time.

Ashley's pov

I seen David looking at me . So i looked at him we locked eyes for three minutes. I said " ok . " David said " what happen to her wrist?" i looked at the floor and then at the boys. i said in a nervous voice " you know when i told you that i ran away." Paul said " yeah?"

i said " well i ran away because my dad was abusive to me . So before i ran away i cut my wrist." i started crying  just thinking of my dad hitting over and over again."Then marko and paul came over and hugged me tight.

Marko's pov

I felt really sorry for her. I can't believe that her dad would do that. Paul said " wow . Can't you guys believe this ." I said " I know ."

Then me and paul let go of Ashley  and we watch her. Ashley said" i need to go." So Ashley walked out of the cave . we heard her bike then it was gone. David said" ok boys let"s go feed ." So we went to our bikes and drove to a party . We went to the the tree to hand out . The group of people were drunk. Dwayne was laughing then I smirked . Then Paul , David , dwayne , and me went to the group and started attacking them. I snap a guys neck and bite down and drank his blood then i threw his body in the fire. I watch david , Paul and Dwayne do the same thing. Then we went to our bikes and went to the cave . The sun was coming up soon. When we got to the cave  we went to bed . 

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