Chapter eight

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Paul's pov
Marko , Dwayne,and me were laughing out butts off.
I gave Dwayne a jont and he took it . Marko and me were wrestling then Dwayne came in and wrestling with us.

David's pov
Ashley and me were still dancing I looked at her and she was smiling. I said " come on ." I said to the boys that we are going to the railroad. We went to out bikes and Ashley sat behind me she was holding on tight to me .
We finally got to the railroad and we all got off all our bikes .
I said " perfect timing." Ashley said " what's going on?"
I said " Ashley wants to know what going on . Marko wants going on?" Marko said" I don't know what's going on Paul ?" While laughing Paul said " wait a minute who wants to know?" Dwayne said " Ashley wants to know ."
I said " I think we should let Ashley know what's going on"
We walk  until we stop then I said " Marko ."
Marko said " good night Ashley ." Then he jump off and said " bombs away."
Paul wall were Marko was and said" bottoms up man " and snap his fingers and jump off . Dwayne follow Paul and snap his fingers and jump off .
Ashley looked at me and I said" come with us Ashley ." And jump off .
Ashley came to the edge and looked down we were hanging on the bars . Dwayne, Paul, and Marko were said "whoo who. And yeah Ashley ."
I said " come on down ." While laughing so Ashley did . Paul said " welcome aboard Ashley." The boys were laughing. Ashley was hanging on bars and looked at us . I said to her " fun uh ." Then the train came and I yelled
"hold on ." Ashley yelled "are you crazy ."
Then Paul let go of the bar and Marko said " don't be scary Ashley ." And he let go Dwayne follow Marko . It was Ashley and me holding on the bar . I yelled " Ashley your one of us let go ." Ashley yelled " do what." I yelled " your on of us Ashley ." Then I let go of the bar . Ashley was still holding on to the bar.  Ashley yelled " David ." Then the train  past by and Ashley was holding onto the bar still . Th boys were calling her name " Ashley . Ashley come down." Then she let go when she was falling she was screaming ." I seen her floating. Then she was on the ground . We all went to the cave I carry Ashley . She was sleeping I put her on the bed and the boys and me went to bed.

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