Chapter 30

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Chapter 30 - The Wars At End

Holding hands, escaping the prison cells in the underground, The Kids and The Royals ran to the throne room, where their weapons had been held captive. Jin was no where to be found.

"Let's get out of here!" Carlo cried out, grabbing his wand and putting it in his jacket. Everyone nodded, running to the entrance. Of course, guards would be there to protect any escapees.

"HALT!" One of them yelled, readying their weapon. Sub frowned as he jumped from wall to wall, taking his axe and shield out to take the weapons of the guards as Tyler used his crossbow to shoot small darts to slow them down. They continued running, more guards coming over.

"Look out!" Ross exclaimed, using his iron sword to knock away a guard from Jess.

"Thanks Ross!" She said, turning back around to hit a guard's bow and arrow out of his hands as Adam and Ty had teamed out to take him down. Seto, Carlo and Quentin cleared the way so none of the village people could get hurt. Max and Krisalee had helped everyone who had gotten in the crossfire, while the rest of the group had continued fighting to get out of the castle walls. They escaped with no harm done as guards had continued to chase them down.

"To the forest!" Jerome called out. Everyone followed him, hoping they would lose the guards. Everyone was out of breath, but continued to run until there was the sound of their feet crumpling the leaves beneath them.

"I... I think w-we're good..." Mitch panted, sitting down on the floor.

"Y-Yeah..." Ian agreed, placing his sword in his scabbard.

The Kids looked around in awe, gazing at the bare tops and the charred trees. The burnt leaves had continued to break under their feet, the air smelling like gasoline and the scent of burnt wood.

"Whoa..." Ashley gasped. "This... is horrible... who did this...?"

"Jin. During the war... he noticed people were retreating to this forest." Jason answered hesitantly.

"When they burned it... an eighth of the army was incinerated, with only a part of innocents surviving... Mitch and Jerome included." Ty added. "It was so tragic."

"They burnt my home down. Jin deserves a sword to the neck." Jerome grumbled, standing up. The others who had sat down had done the same, but had flinched when they heard a sword be drawn out at Adam's neck.

"Freeze, Prince Sky." It was a different voices than the guards at the kingdom. They were all different.

"Squids..." Adam growled. "You finally come out, huh?". The Royals grabbed their weapons, ready to fight them as there were heavy footsteps coming from the other way.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" It was a guard with more of them beside him with King Jin in the back to watch the show. The kids and Max turned that way, starting to grab their weapons.

"Give up! You guys are surrounded!" King Jin exclaimed. "Face it! Our armies combined are stronger than you kids!" All of them were backing up to each other's back, scared.

"C-Chris...?" Carlo stuttered out. Ashley held his hand, along with Chris who held hands with Lasata, and Jorge who held hands with Krisalee.

"I-I'm scared..."





"NOT!" Carlo smirked, grabbing his wand to shoot a lightning bolt of light to the guard in front, as Adam turned around and knocked the sword out of the squids... tentacle arm.

Everyone had split into 2 groups to go against the armies.

Adam, Ty, Jason, Ross, John, Jess, Ian Sub, Ashley and Carlo had gone against the Squid army to finally finish what was started, a war to take back for lives that were stolen and fears to overcome.

Mitch, Jerome, Quentin, Seto, Jorge, Tyler, Chris, Lasata, Krisalee, and Max went against Jin's army to fight for their lost homes, their lost lives, to fight against their own home and finally end the long war.

"Lets ends this heres!" John exclaimed.

"The fighting stops!" Adam screamed.

"Freedom will go on!" Carlo yelled.

"There will finally be love!" Tyler said.

"And we are determined to do so!" Max growled.

This was war.
A battlefield on the ruins of a forest caused by hatred, greed, power.
But fighters who had the opposite.

This was their redemption.
The final fight for freedom

But who's speaking?

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