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"Ugh, Could you have gotten me anything more girlish?" Aria said in disgust, looking at her outfit.

She was wearing a dress.

"Hey, it could have been pink!" Caroline threatened, concealing a smile.

Bonnie mock shivered, "The horror!"

Elena just sat there smiling.

"I've missed this." 

Everyone went silent.

Elena continued, "I've missed us. This. Nothing was the same without you Aria."

Again, it was silent.

Aria found herself resenting the silence.

Why was everyone so sad? 

She was back wasn't she?

Shouldn't they be happy?

"Well, I'm here now, and your lives can now continue."

And just like that, things were back to the way they previously were.

Everyone laughed louder than was necessary (Aria's more forced, not that anyone noticed) and looped each others arms.

They walked out of the hospital room and joined the boys.

Together, they walked to the cars.

Aria joined Elena and Jeremy in who she learned was the Salvatore brothers car.

"So...Which one of you is dating my sister?" Aria said as soon as they were seated.

The bronze haired one with the pretty green eyes raised his hand in acknowledgement.

"I am." 

"I'm not sure if I should threaten you or just keep the element of surprise."

Damon and Jeremy let out a low chuckle while Elena shot Aria a warning look.

"No need. I plan on staying with Elena for a long time."

She felt like there was a hidden joke in there but she didn't bother questioning, Elena would kill her if she interrogated her boyfriend in front of her.

"Whatever you say..." Aria said leaning back into her leather seat and staring out her window.


"The Kitchen's yellow now...why?" Aria said as she looked around her old-new house.

Lots of things have changed and Aria was feeling more than overwhelmed.

"Just needed something to liven up the room..." Elena said 

Aria nodded.


"I'm going to go to my make sure either of haven't completely wrecked it yet..."Aria half-lied.

Truthfully, Aria just wanted to be alone.

She wanted to break down into sobs and forget the world that thinks she's fine.

She craved  for it.

Elena's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion before evening out in understanding.

She nodded, "Go for it; I've got to go anyways."

Elena understood that Aria needed her privacy.

Aria didn't like to cry in front of others.

Even in front her own twin.

Elena wasn't bothered by it though.

She knew it wasn't anything personal.

So she made her way out.

Aria walked up the stairs, each foot dragging.

Walked down to the very end of the hall and opened the door on the left.

A small sob escaped her lips.

For some reason, seeing her room exactly as it was, was painful.

Like it reminded her of everything that's changed.

It was a cruel reminder of what she had.

Silent tears rolled down in fat drops as she threw herself onto her bed and buried herself under the covers, sobs echoing louder and louder until she fell into a fitful sleep.

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