Angels Chase

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Ace's Point Of View

Stepping through the cool slush of the melting snow, I snake around the woods, my blondish coat standing out against the white. Taking a deep breath, I scowled at my paws which were deep red from the cold. To say I missed my family was a lie. To say I missed the pack, that was a lie as well.

Actually, I was the one who found out by listening to Ryker on the phone one day. Yes, I know it was wrong to eavesdrop but I had to know. How many times he shot daggers at me. My life became a pain because of him. He'd find every way to ruin what I had. All the nights I curled up in my bed, alone and afraid. I guess, going rouge, was the best option besides certain death sentenced to my pack. I'm not even sure if their still alive after the battle that had taken place. I wouldn't be surprised if none of them lived.

My paws made contact with ice as I slipped and landing on my stomach, instantly making me shiver against the cold. Pushing up, I continued to move. Looking up at the sun, if was halfway up, midday. Good, I have a few hours to find shelter before it gets dark. Taking a deep breath I pushed on, desperately trying to find somewhere warm to sleep. I knew I couldn't go anywhere else. This was what I had done, what another wolf's mistakes did to me.

Shivering against my pelt my eyes swept over the black pavement of the highway. Cars flew by in a rainbow of colors. Gently I poked my nose through the holes in the fence. Taking a smell I felt my lungs close. Quickly pulling back, I sat on the ground, whimpering. This is absolutely hopeless. I'm alone, in a world so big, it just doesn't seem right to me.

Standing back up on my paws I padded back to the safety of the forest and away from the awful scents of civilization. Now I remember why the pack had their house so far back from the street. To keep people out of it. I could still remember my very first day I was in Angels. Everyone there was so accepting. They gave my short pathetic life purpose. They made me feel like I belonged, like I finally really did have a family. And in a sense, I guess I really did.

My paws ached, and my stomach hurt. Placing my nose to the ground I inhaled the sweet scents of the forest. It's been weeks since I caught my last meal. And I couldn't go into the cities. Not like this. I could shift but then I'd be naked, a sight I don't think non werewolves would take to kindly to seeing.

I feel just like I did back when my parents abandoned me. Back to those days I spent alone. I gave up searching for them about a year after they left me. The sad part was deep down, I knew I was just a burden to them. It's hard raising a pup on your own. Especially without the comfort and safety of a pack. Without those walls or level of protection, your basically open game to other packs or rouges.

Out of everybody from my pack, I miss Delilah the most. She was always nice to me, my best friend. The only wolf I felt I could really trust. She never hurt me, she would always stand up for me. I remember one time, one of the wolves, who was at least twenty years older than Delilah, who was twenty, the same age as me, decided to pick on me because of my pelt color. Saying I was a weak member of the pack and that I'd never be as strong as a proper wolf. Delilah heard about it and she went haywire. Let's just say that wolf never said any rude comments to me again. In fact, he'd go out of his way to compliment me. Looking back now, I wish she would of came with me. But instead she stayed with Thomas.

Pushing on, I soon came across a small cave. Probably only big enough for me, not enough room to stretch out. Carefully, with my nose to the ground, I slowly made my way to the opening. Poking my head inside, I felt my insides twist. There, laying on the cold rocks layed a pup. His black and white furred body layed curled and shivering. My paws carried me to th pup who poked his head up at me, then quickly burried his muzzle into his tail. Nudging my Jose into his side, he sprawled out and I layed next to him. Slowly, he git onto his paws, and crawled over to me, standing about a foot away from me. His moss green eyes stared into my blue ones. Then he looked at my stomach. Nodding at him, he crawled over to me quickly laying down, pushing his back into the warmth of my fur. Curling up, he snuggled closer to me, slowing me to lick the top of his head. Silently, in the dead of night his breathing evened, causing me to fall into a deep, restful sleep.

Angels Chase, Rouges Hide (werewolf)Where stories live. Discover now