Bravery Takes Time, Tears Don't

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Mari's Point Of View

"What!" I cried as I watches the blond wolf calmly sit, his tail thumping on the ground. Your lying!"

"No I'm not, he did it. He's a monster who'll be the end of you and everybody you care about." The wolf spat back at me his tail going rigid.

"No, it won't be. We'll pull through. We've gone through the worst of it Already." I continued as the wolf's blue eyes rolled back at me.

"Believe me before it's too late." And with that, the wolf was gone, leaving me surrounded in utter darkness.

Jolting upright, Ryker rolled off the bed, cursing loudly. If I didn't just have a nightmare, I probably would of died of laughter. Biting my lip, I forced myself not to laugh, but ended up failing miserbly. Ryker's head poked out from the side of the bed and glared at me before sinking back to the floor.

Climbing across the bed, I bent my head over the side. Looking around I noticed he wasn't here. That's when I felt warm air tickle the back of my neck. Shivering, I turned around only to come face to face with Ryker.

I couldn't even face looking at his eyes. I knew that he didn't blame me for what I know, but that doesn't mean he deserves that kind of punishment. If the dumb wolf council never would of found out, then maybe, just maybe, I'd be with my mate, and happy. But no, now I'm stuck with an ugly truth, one that can't go unpunished.

"Look at me." Ryker said in barely an audible whisper. Forcing ny eyes to meet his, I saw love in them. Smiling, I leaned up and pecked his lips with my own.

Leaning farther onto the bed, I faced with the hardest words I ever had to say. Words I layed at night thinking about for days now. "You know you can't ever be Alpha with me?" I said as the tears ran down my face. I refused to look into his eyes.

The bed shifted and I stole a glance over in his direction. His eyes held pain I never thought I'd ever see, especially on him. The one wolf who's always been the strongest, who always has never showed his emotions. Now, I see a wolf who hurts, a wolf who feels like their losing themselves. Just like me.

Ace's Point Of View

The puppy was pressed firmly against my flank, his small chest gently rising and falling. Slowly, I stood up, the puppy curling up into a tighter paw. Stretching my stiff limbs, I stepped from the cave and let the mouth watering scents of food fill my nose to the fullest. My eyes turned green in color and I took in the large sized elk, grazing off in the distance.

As quickly and quietly as I could I approached the elk, it not even noticing me until I was right upon it. By then it was too late.

Ryker's Point Of View. (Graphic Punishment Scene)

The scent of blood filled my nose. An intense burning sensation covered by back. My mate couldn't take the pain away. Why, because she was the one who was delivering the punishment to me. For a crime I wish I could undo. A mistake that I was forced to take.

My canines sank deeply into the cloth in my mouth. I was doing every thing I could to prevent passing out. I knew that once I woke up I'd get punished more. A loud whimper escaped my lips as I tried to blink back the tears that were forming in my eyes. The pain was becoming to much to take. I glanced up and met the eyes of a guard. He held my gaze before I looked away. I couldn't take it much longer. My knees were trying to buckle but I was fighting them. Then the searing pain in my back ceased.

The Alpha stepped in front of me and I looked down at the ground. I wouldn't let her see the tears in my eyes. She gently grabbed my chin and caused me to look at her. She pulled away from me once the pack doctor walked up beside her.

"I'm sorry." The Alpha whispered only loud enough for me to hear. I whimpered before sinking to me knees. I welcomed unconsciousness.

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