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Mari's Point Of View

My eyes bulges as I watched my brother and my mate come into view of the clearing. Besides me, Ace Sat still, his eyes watching them as well. I knew they weren't them anymore, the people I loved long lost in a sea of despair. What ever happened to them, must of came from the shadows where Gunner had been looking. The one thought that painfully crossed my mind was how come no one else had been able to see it, not even me?

Ryker's eyes were red and black as he approached me. Opening his mouth, I could only gape at the sharp white teeth that dripped red onto the ground below him. Pushing my legs backwards, I tried to scoot away from them, but to no avail. Little by little they both approached closer each time until they stood above me and Ace.

Shutting my eyes in fear, I longed for this to all just be a dream, for it only to be a nightmare that I'd wake up from in a moment. I wished Ryker could hold me and tell me it would be alright. More important, I wished that my life could of been simpler, that I would of stayed with my parents in their pack, instead of branching off to find my own. Each were a mistake that keep adding up, soon it's going to be enough to take even the strongest of wolves down.

Gunner' s Point Of View

The new relief washed over me in wave as I watched my sister's fear. I fed off of the energy she released. What ever was going on, I was enjoying it. Clashing my hands together, I watched as she tried to back away from us, but she never would have the chance. I took a step in her direction, watching as the other one simply sat there, staring up at us with round curios eyes. Where was the fear? That I couldn't decipher.

She continued moving back wards trying to keep the tears in her eyes, but the harder she tried, the move slipped out. My feet hit the ground with power and authority as she slid across the ground. The closer I got to her, the more fear I could sense from her. Sighing, I stopped a foot from her as I turned and watched Ryker stand above the blond wolf.

Spinning on my heels, I stood behind the blond wolf, but still I couldn't scent his fear. Not even a little bit, and it was beginning to anger me. Snarling and showing my fangs the wolf didn't even bat an eye in my direction, instead just kept his head facing forward, off into the woods. Shaking my head in irritaiion, I turned back to my sister whose eyes casts off towards the shadows in the woods.

Snarling at her, I watched in satisfaction as her head whipped back in my side tion, her eyes wide with terror. Good, that's what I like to see. Now, if only I could get the other one to become a little bit more afraid of me, even though, it's only a matter of time before that doesn't matter anymore anyways.

Ace's Point Of View

I felt no fear, no feelings. Why, there was no reason to. My eyes couldn't let the tears that formed behind them out. The shallow cries that were held tight in my throat, begged for a realize, but I couldn't. I couldn't let any of my emotions show, because deep down I know that there's nothing left if I did. As long as I keep an unfazed look on the surface, they can't do anything. The moment I show fear, even just a little bit, I lose. And that's one thing I can" afford to do, at least not yet.

The sun was slowly setting back behind the trees, setting everything around me into a red firey glow. The green leaves shined against the light as the branches swayed in the wind. The entire scene looked so calm, so peaceful, as it was anything but going on around me.

For starters, I was stuck next to an Alpha whose entire pack wants me dead. Second, the two people who I once known seem to have lost all of their emotions leaving them in a scary shell. The dark red and black of their eyes continued to pierce into me, leaving me uneasy. Mari sat besides me, her eyes wide with fear. Casting my eyes slowly back at her, I watched as she looked back at me with so much pain in her eyes. More pain then I had ever seen in her eyes for as long as I have known her.

I couldn't really blame Mari though, the two men in her life, the only two she ever cared about, were now trying to kill us. There's no way that could ever be able to sit well with me. Closing my eyes, I sent up a prayer that soon all of this will be over, not just for mine or Mari's sake, but also for the sake of my beautiful mate, Deliah.

Deliah's Point Of View

Thomas and Brandon went out to search  for the source of the cry we had all heard earlier, all of which they have yet to return from. The slamming of a door shook me from my fears and back into the harsh reality I am forced to be a part of. I reconized one of my best friends Hunter stand in the doorway to my house, his hands bloody along with his clothes. Slowly, I looked up to meet his eyes, which were filled with so many unshed tears.

"What's wrong? Did you find them?" I asked even though deep down I was already expecting the worst from him. Slowly he shook his head.

Hunter's eyes slowly slid up to meet mine and I watched as tear after tear fell down his face. "I-I-I could-d-d-d only f-f-find one o-f-f them." He wailed as he violently clutched onto his shirt, in sort of a self hug position.

My eyes widened as I continued to take in his behavior. I knew deep down that something was desperately wrong because all guards are always taught to never show emotions. You'd have to have a pretty strong reason to be crying, especially in front of your fellow guards.

"We discovered Ryker got out of his cage, which has to be impossible. There's no way a wolf could break free, that's solid silver bars. Even the floor is coated in it so escape would be impossible. Also we found..." His voice slowly trailed off as he wiped away some of the tears that have accumulated on his cheeks.

Blinking in shock, I tried to comprehend what he was saying. No matter how unreal it seems, it has to be true. Hunter never makes things up. "What else?" I asked despertly wanting to know, yet at the same time dreading to know.

"Brandon, he-e-e's d-d-d-ead." As the words fell from his lips, I felt my heart break. What in the world was going on?

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