A Pup Named Kemp

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Ace's Point Of View

Kemp. Kemp. Kemp. Such an odd name it is. Kemp. Kemp. Kemp. It is fun to say though. Stretching out my legs I turn and actually get a good look at the little pup. He is really cute, I guess in a little puppy way. His short little tail was docked short, the color white and black fought for dominance across his back and chest. His paws and tail were black as midnight while his head, neck and stomach were as white as the snow. A very unique color scheme, much more different then my plain pelt.

His small chest rose gently and fell, in a unique pattern. For some reason, every time I looked at this pup, I felt love. I know loves a strong word but it's true. Is this how Mari felt towards us rouges? Even after all of our mistakes? I guess she did do one thing to all of us. She gave us all the power to love again.

My chest ached remembering Mari, the look on her face after I told her Ryker's secret. I knew it wasn't mine to tell, but someone had too. I wonder how she took it? Are they mates? Did she kick him from the pack? Or did FirePack kill them all off? The last one was highly unlikely and even I knew it. No pack could destroy them, but maybe I could. Or would.

Mari's Point Of View

Snow and ice. Blankets of it covered over my territory. Arms snuggled around my waist, bringing me closer to the warmth. Sighing in contentment, I leaned my head back into his chest. The tingles I get from being near him, was worth everything I've been through. I may love him, but I still can't totally forgive him. He broke the ultimate rule, putting one's pack in danger.

Even after so much work, okay begging of the wolf council, I still have the punishment to hand out. He's lucky I got it reduced, and he didn't have to be thrown into the cells. Tears slipped from my eyes and I quietly sobbed. My mate, messed up. So much. But in this world, it's forgive and forget. Well I bet the pack will never forget. And neither will I.


Mari's Point Of View

A Week Earlier:

The eyes of my pack bore straight into me. Ryker's gray eyes were clouded with unshed tears, but his pride kept them from falling. I wish this didn't have to happen, but thanks to me his punishment won't be as bad as it could be. That's all I could do. Even with all the power of being an Alpha, I still have a heart. It has to be done, even if it kills me.

Turning to address the pack, I casted one look over to the council. Their expressions nothing, it's as if they don't care what happens. But I do, and they know it, the pack knows it.

"Angels, today is the sentencing of your beta, and my mate." I said the last part quietly but most of the pack heard it. "What has the council decided." I asked keeping my voice confident. It can't be that bad, besides they wouldn't be that harsh. Could they?

After moments of silence, they spoke. A very frail woman with long gray hair and blank green eyes looked at me. Little sincerity could be seen in her eyes. "We, the council of all wolves, have found the defendant, Mr. Ryker Pine guilty of second stone punishments."

My heart dropped, along with my mouth. No way, they couldn't be that harsh, that heartless. Second stone punishments were the worst a wolf could be sentenced to, as of punishment wise from his crimes. Yes, there were worst than this. But I can't think about those.

"Council, I object to this." I answered keeping my eyes steady. They looked at me, the oldest Harverd staring me down. His old eyes challenging me. Well, challenge excepted. "Stone two punishments seem a little to harsh for this crime. I mean come on, two hundred lashes, torture and pack humiliation as well as being stripped from beta position?"

Harverd's body stiffened at my outbursts. "It's a proper punishment. It's in order."

"No, it's not in order. No body deserves." He cut me off.

"Somebody who puts his pack along with eight packs deserves what he's getting. If it wasn't." I cut his voice off with my own set of words.

"So what? You don't own me. You don't own this pack. I have a say in the punishmets that goes on here. And I say reduce it, or else." I spoke my voice dripping venom. I casted my eyes to Ryker who only watched me. Unable to think I stared blankly at the pack. Their faces held nothing. Just shock, fear and pain. I bet my eyes held the exact same set of emotions.

Mally, one of the council's younger members, at the age of twenty seven stood up, her eyes casting sympathy. Well I don't want her sympathy.

"I, have decided to lessen the punishment." She said to many angered words from the council. Smiling at me she continued. "I say thirty lashes. Nothing else."

I nodded my head, speechless. "I accept to that punishment." My eyes shined with happiness but it was quickly drowned. I still had to carry out the punishment.

Authors Notes

Yes, a new chapter. So I put Mari's point of view in it. They will still be in it, along with some new characters. :) until next time

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