Strike Me Out Of Love

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Mari' s Point of View

He's gone. He's gone. Ryker is gone. I continued to pace around the room waiting for the guards I sent out to search for him to return. My body shook as I tried to keep a sane mind. Reaching over, I grabbed a handful of a pillow and held onto it tight.

The slam of a door sent my heart and entire body into a full fledged panic. Delilah, Thomas, Hunter, Bronxe, and Brandon strolled up to me, their heads dipped down in respect.

"Well?" I asked, hoping they'd say they found him. Bit by bit, that hope slowly died as Thomas looked up at me, his eyes afraid.

"No, we didn't. We couldn't even catch a sniff of his scent. It's as if he never was here, or never left. I'm sorry." Thomas said as my eyes began to water all over again.

He directed his eyes at Brandon who stood there quietly. Brandon casted his look at me before stepping closer. "I believe he used Pine Oil to hide his scent. That's the only reason why we wouldn't be able to even scent him. However he did it, it was smart. Real smart."

I could only nod my head as the facts set into place. Shutting my eyes, I took a few deep breaths before stepping backwards. My entire heart felt like it was set on fire a the tears clouded my eyes. Jagger and Gunner came trudging into the room, both coated in mud.

"It's over, the ties are broken." The words stung, especially hearing them from my brother, but they were true. That much I knew. I knew I should never of let my heart free of its cage. And now, I'll forever have to live alone, and lead the pack with no one standing besides me.

Ace was right. So terribly terribly right, all along as I was blind. Blinded by love.

Ace's Point Of View

As I struggled to comprehend what was going on, I had to deal with Kemp, who was pinned to my leg shivering. Ears back, he looked so innocent. His eyes were wide open as he panted, in fear of the wolf before him. The whole time, Ryker kept a smirk on his face. An expression I'd come to fear, especially on him.

"Kemp, is alright." I said in a soothing voice, rubbing his head. He began to calm down, but only a small amount. His shaking slowly ceased as he rested his head on my paw. Carefully, I looked back up at Ryker who continued to glance around the woods. His head shot to the left abruptly as he growled.

My eyes widened as four wolves emerged from the safety of the brush. I recognized the one scent right away, but the other confused me greatly. As my eyes began to take in the scenery around me, a wolves' s eyes landed on mine, and at that moment I knew I couldn't fight her.

'My mate! She's here!' I could hear my wolf cheering within me. I could clearly tell the other wolf wasn't pleased with me because she snarled at me, before running away over to another wolf who looked very familiar. My head came back into focus at the exact moment as one wolf leaped at Ryker taking him to to the ground. My legs froze leaving me vulnerable to everything going on around me.

The other wolf head turned in my direction before stalking over to me. Fear surged through me, leaving me frantically looking for a way out. The wolf's striking white pelt sent many memories to point through my head. Everything I ever known, came back in a flash. All the pain I tried to ignore and put to rest returned, edging its way back into me like a million fire ants.

The yellow eyes caught mine and my lips were only able to muster one word, one name before I felt powerful jaws attached to my shoulder blade. As I began to struggle beneath his weight, I couldn't stop my eyes from lingering on that one wolf. I tried to remember her name, because I sworn I've seen her before, I just can't remember when or where. As the blood pooled from my body and the darkness began to creep into my vision blocking her out, I began to remember. But the pain quickly let the name slip from my mind, my memory, my heart.

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