Can You Ever Forgive Me?

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Mari's Point Of View:

The punishment is finally over and I still cant believe I had went though with it. All the pain that my mate was feeling, only intensified inside of me. Unlocking a new type of pain that I never even knew existed, or feel again for that matter.

Ryker's been exceptionally quiet. Hasn't spoken one word to anyone in the entire pack, not even me. It's like a part of his mirror has broken and it can't be fixed, and it hurts. I feel like that large piece of glass is cutting into my heart, a little deeper with every silence. No one in the pack can even get him to smile or laugh, he just trudged through the day with the least bit of activity. Not even the pack doctor can get him to let him clean his wounds.

It feels like he's gone, disapeared behind every curtain, gone from everyone's line of sight, but never from our minds and heart. It slowly killing me not seeing his smiling face. I know he's changed, but I just don't like the way he has. He doesn't understand how much it has killed me inside, but I stil put on a smile for the sake of the pack.

The smiles and laughs of most of the pack have died down drastically. Everywhere I turn, nobody seems to have a happy face on, only deep in despair, one that mirrors mine. As the days on the calendar change, so does the fact that he'll never be the same. Just dead inside, an empty shell of the man I loved. Who the pack loved.

As I slowly made My way up the stairs, I couldn't keep the frown off of my face. All the pictures on Ryker's walls, have long since been removed. Everything that reminded him of th pack is gone. Now as I walk through the rooms that I always loved, I looked in awe at how many things have changed between us. How many things have changed within him.

Ryker's Point Of View:

My wolf desperately wanted out; he wanted to run through the forest like the old days, smell the scents stronger and mostly, be with our mate. But none of that will ever happen again. All pictures of happiness seem to die off of my face. Now, I just keep the same empty stare. A deep pain of despair hovers around me, making me unable to forget.

The nights have seemed to grow longer, as does the hours I spend alone, completely lost in my own thoughts. The cage and walls I have placed around me so many times in the past, feel permanent now. The Lost smiles and laughs I used to be full of, have ran dry. The part that continues to tear at my heart, is the consistent look of grief and guilt on Mari everyday. It's like she blames her self for the punishsent that I have brought upon myself.

This is why, with a heavy heart and tear Stained eyes, I have decided it's in everyone's best interest for me to leave the pack and never come back. A soft and gentle rasp at my door caused me to painfully snap my head around. Without even saying a word, the door created open, and in popped Mari.

Her eyes were red and puffy and she wore sweatpints and an old tee I gave to her. She opened her mouth, yet no words came out. I couldn't even stand to look at her in fear I'd break down, something that shows weakness, something that I can't have. Not anymore.

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