Enemies To Friends And Back Again

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Ace's Point Of View

The small pup has been following me around for the past two weeks, but I don't mind. It's nice to finally have some company, instead of wandering the snowy hills all alone. Casting a sideways glance at the small pup, his big Brown eyes looked deeply into mine, causing me to smile. My snout pressed back to the sky where I stiffened in fright.

My eyes scanned the area around us as my ears stood upright. Kemp whimpering echoed through my ears as I strained to pick up the slightest sounds. The scent of Angel Pack filled my nose as I began to visibly shake. There is no way, they could be all the way out here. No way there still searching for me.

Touching low to the ground, I growled lowly keeping my eyes scanning. A similar growl came back directed at me, this one with more authority then mine. Instincts took over as I exposed my neck and stomach to the dominant. A satisfied howl filled my ears as I twisted back onto my stomach.

Green eyes met mine and in a instant I whimpered. The wolf's gang exposed as its lips pulled back. Standing productively over the small pup, I challenged the dominant, with a snap of my jaws. An amused smirk covered its lips as it tried not to laugh at me. This only caused my anger to grow more. No more fear only sheer determination.

The chestnut brown fur glowed in the light as I balanced on my front paws, ready to lunge. My eyes focused in on the throat, ready for the kill shot when it spoke.

"Ace, wonderful seeing you out here." At an instant my blood ran cold as the voice sent shivers of fear through me.

"Ry- Ryker?" I choked out as he kept eye contact with me. The wolf's head bounced up as his hackles sank back into place as I stayed in full alert. This is probably a trap, a ploy.

"Hmm." He said as he continued to smile at me, while at the same time his eyes held daggers in them. "What, didn't expect to see me here?" Ryker said as I struggled for words. My jaw dropped enough to make it crack. His head flipped to the side as he continued to watch me intensely.

Shifting uncomfortably, I tried to calm my nerves and heart that has been beating a million miles an hour. My eyes cast over in his direction as I watch him carefully. "Why are you here?" I asked as he continues to stare at me.

"Oh you know, just passing through." He stated calmly as if it was the most obvious thing in the entire world.

"Oh really? Seems to me that your a rouge now." I said venom filling in my tone. His eyes widened in shock for a moment before glaring at me once more.

"Well what would you even know." He spoke as his eyes held strong mental emotions, as if a surge of pain and grief rampaged within him.

"I don't know, but all I do know, is that you need to leave, now." I growled into his face, standing my guard. Backing down or even letting down your guard gets you killed, was a lesson my family taught me. Little did I know, but they were so right.

"And who's gonna make me?" He sneered keeping his eyes directed at me before glancing behind me. At that moment, I remembered all about Kemp.

Kemp's eyes widened in fear as he glanced between us. Shutting my eyes, I prayed that this was all just a dream and would fade away. Instead, I reopened my eyes and felt my heart begin to leap out of my chest. This was definitely no dream.

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