Fight Away The Fear

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Mari's Point Of View

My heart beat painfully fast in my chest as my eyes adjusted to the dim light. Blinking in an attempt to see better, I spotted the red on the ground, and the quiet empty reservoir. Turning to the side, I looked down at my arm and bit my tounge. Casting my eyes, my arm coated in blood, I looked for the search. And that's when I found it.

The scent of the man lying in the shadows was all too familiar too me. All the years he fought besides me, all the young wolves he trained, all gone in a single heartbeat, and I couldn't do a single thing about it. Closing my eyes, I wrinkled my nose at the scent of death and decay, only to be met with another far worse scent.

Keeping my eyes close, I struggled deep within to keep the fear at bay. With all the strength and will power I could muster, I forced one of my eyes open so I could watch the scene unfold. Tears quickly formed in my eyes, as I struggled to move. Standing dangerously close to me, was a wolf I believed fought her last battle some time ago. Scent I thought I'd never smell again. A face so familiar it brought me comfort even in the worst situations. Only problem is, I thought she was dead.

Deliah' s Point Of View

"What do you mean he's dead? That's impossible!" I cried holding onto the wall, struggling with the news that just got dumped over me. Hunter' s eyes were filled with tears as he stood before me. Fear washed over him in waves as I stared wide eyed at him in total confusion.

Stepping back, I began to feel the world spin round and round in circles as my calm composure began to fall apart. No part of me could comprehend that what he was telling me, was actually the truth. It seems that just an hour ago we were talking about the dumbest of things, but now, I'll never even get to know about him.

Hunter stood where he was as the door rattled open. Clark, walked into the room, his eyes focused on Hunter's bloody clothes.

"What the hell is going on around here?" He muttered quietly to himself. When he looked back up, his eyes were darkened in fear and worry.

"Alpha Clark." I began as I waited for my cue to continue. He nodded his head at me and I took a deep breath before continuing on. "What are we going to do? The pack, we have no Alpha, no Beta. In no time, this whole place will be in total mayhem."

Clark glared at me and I stopped where I was. Did I accidentally disrespect him? Did I step out of line? A jumble of thoughts of what I could of done and the possible punishments swirled in my mind. I didn't even notice that Clark now stood only a stood a foot from me. Acting on instincts, I dropped the floor, showing him submission.

As played on the ground, I resisted the urge to look into his eyes. His jaw tightened as be barked an order at me. "Get up now!"

Frantically and as quickly as I could, I jumped to me feet, avoiding all eye contact. Hunter backed away from the Alpha and eyed me in concern.

Mari's Point Of View

Linn looked down at me, a sick and wicked smile playing on her lips. Looking into her eyes, all I saw was darkness. The wolf and person she once was, was gone. Replaced by an overwhelming black. Her lips pulled back into a snarl as she eyed me. Hate filled her black orbs as she growled low and menacingly at me. Biting my tongue, i resisted every urge to cry out, to scream.

Blood dripped from her mouth, as her tounge swiped across her lips, licking up the blood. Fear coursed through my veins as she stepped closer to me, laying on my back, was the worst position I could ever be in, but all I could do. She grinned above me before climbing to her knees and stood above me. Straddling my hips, she grabbed both my wrists in one of her hands before using the other to grab tightly onto my neck.

Choking, all I could do was stare into her eyes. Never before had I ever been more afraid of another Alpha. Linn stole a glance beside her before growling. Scared out of my mind, my eyes caught the dark form of her mate. His shoulders tense as he looked on in disbelief. I watched as he shifted to his wolf and stepped from the shadows. Out of nowhere, a growl I never heard any animal usher filled my ears, leaving them sore and ringing. Zack (I forgot if I named her mate) turned his head to the side, the wrong side.

Bones snapping hit me dead on as Linn watched, smiling. Her mate cried out in pain as his attacker raked their claws down his chest. Blood fell from the wounds, as two of the attackers stopped fighting him. Instead, they dropped to the ground and began lapping at the blood. At long last, Zack turned his gaze to me, and grinned. In the shadows, I couldn't see his eyes, but deep down I knew, I knew he wasn't him any longer. He as like everyone else I cared about. Gone forever.....

Author's Note,

Sorry I haven't update for a long time. If been getting requests to update something else. Here's your next chapter. Enjoy.

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