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Ryker's Point Of View

My mates pained cries were enough to shift my eyes to their regular brown and the darkness in my heart and soul to get shoved out. Deep inside, I felt the rumble in my chest as my wolf growled deep and protectively. Forcing my eyes around, I was locked in place by the look Gunner was sending my way. His black orbs shifted slowly back to blue as a look of disbelief covered over his features.

Exchanging glances, I shook my head in an effort to clear the haze that seemed to cover my thoughts, making me feel completely numb. My wolf paced anxiously in my head, desperate to get moving to the direction of our mate.

"What happened?" Gunner asked, running a hand through his dirty blond hair as his eyes shifted to my own. Shrugging my shoulders, I felt puzzled.

"I don't know. I can't even remember what happened. Do you?" A part of me died for him to say yes. I needed to know he knew what happened to us, but somehow deep down, my wolf and I both knew he didn't.

"No." He shook his head, anger swelling inside of his eyes. "I don't even know what happened after seeing the shadow in the woods."

Raising an eyebrow at him, I felt compelled to know what nonsense he was speaking about. "What are you talking about? What shadow?"

His eyes got fearful for a minute before he replied almost in a whisper. "It was at the meeting, last night, or however long its been. I don't even know why, but I had a burning pain and felt compelled to go after it. When I did, I felt an intense searing pain all over before all memories and feelings went numb. I just remember thinking I needed to kill them all-" He trailed off and his eyes got wide. "Mari!" He cried, falling down onto his knees, tears collecting in his eyes.

My wolf whimpered as we shared similar thoughts for his sister and my mate. What could've happened. "She's with Ace." I whispered, the pain in my chest multiplying as realization dug deeper and deeper. Digging me in a pit of pain, heartbreak and fear.

Leaping to his feet, Gunner wiped all the tears that left his eyes and landing on his feet. Standing straight up, his eyes forward, he looked like a warrior ready for combat. "We need to do something. We need to get Mari back. Now." He finished with a low growl, full of power and authority.

Nodding my head, I spoke up. "But how? We don't even know how to fight whatever that thing was. We can't fight our pack mates."

"Yes we can. If they were still them, why would they be doing this?" He questioned, his voice emotionless, as if their lives meant nothing at all.

"They're still there!" I cried outraged by his attitude. "If they weren't there, how could we of fought it off?"

He looked at me, confusion in his eyes and I knew I had won the argument,or at least hoped I did.

"I don't know. But I just have a feeling we have a lot more than them to fight off." He looked over his shoulder, but I was quick enough to see the worry etched right in his face.

"We can do it." I said encouraging, but deep down even I had a doubt. How could we fight them all? But more importantly, what if we don't win?

Mari's Point Of View

The cracking sound sent shivers down my back as I caught Zack fall to the ground through the corner of my eye. Blinking rapidly, I fought to keep my vision clear as I struggled to since all the tears kept forming within them. Lynn turned back to me, before easing her head, her green eyes locking on something behind me. Standing up, she sent me a dangerous smile before smirking at whatever was behind me. A low growl filled my ears and I felt my blood run cold.

"Mari?" A voice boomed, and I closed my eyes tightly, praying for the owner of it to leave. To run so they don't face a similar fate as Ace and myself.

Lynn licked her up a and stepped forward a couple feet, leaving her bare feet mere inches from my head. As quietly as I could, I inched my hands in front of me, before counting to three in my head. Once I reached three, I launched my hands forward, grabbing Lynn and knocking her off balance. She fell to the ground, a snarl leaving her lips when she made impact. Leaping onto shaky legs, I nearly collapsed due to how unstable my legs felt.

"Ryker run!" I cried, the tears falling as I watched Lynn stand back up. Her spine cracked as she stood, her eyes menacing and cold, yet she made no move to approach me. Stepping backwards, I felt my feet touch the ground softly, before taking another couple steps. Once I stood a goof seven feet from her, did I actually begin to notice the change.

Blinking her black eyes, she lowered her self to a kneeling position, her head dropping forward. A few moments later, I felt ny heart beat stop for a second as she rose her head back up, her green eyes blazing in anger, before quickly resurfacing in confusion. Cocking her head to the , she used her hands and pushed herself up, her eyes resting on me.

"Mari?" She asked, her voice hourse as she stepped towards me, her mouth partially open.

"Mari don't go near her!" Someone else shouted, but it was like I couldn't hear them. Staring deeply into Lynn's eyes, I expected to see her within them, love and recognition, but was instead left with a horrible discovery.even though her eyes were green, they had no volume in them. It was simply a blank stare, much like when her eyes were black. Reaching forward, I placed a hand on her bloody shoulder before quickly recoiling it in fear and disgust.

Instead of feeling warmth, I felt a deep bone chilling cold. Her eyes shifted to her shoulder, before I noticed the dull look in her eyes. Smiling at me, I thought I spotted recognition flash in her eyes before she lunged at me. Unprepared, I landed with thud on the cold Earth, the wind knocked straight out of my lungs.

Panicking, I tried to shove her off, but her body felt like it weighed a ton. Smirking down at me, I stared into her cold green eyes. Gathering up as much courage as I could find inside, I whispered just loud enough for her to hear. "Lynn, I know you're still there. Please. Please don't do this."

Her eyes widened before she released a scream filled with so much pain and agony it made my head spin and pound painfully against my skull.

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