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Dedication: superpiggyy - Each chapter will get dedicated to a reader! :)


"I'm sorry, there is no good way to do this," the human says, upon starting to cut the rope, "just brace yourself." Sugawara merely nods, being both too tired and too scared to speak. As he human cuts the surprisingly tough rope, he can't help but hear the human mutter, "I hate these damn traps... Don't people realize how harmful they are?" Sugawara can't help but wonder why the human before him cares about whether the trap is harmful or not. Why does the human seem to care about nature? Even though Suga knows that he shouldn't make generalizations, he thought that no humans cared about nature...

With a snap, the rope finally breaks and Suga lands on the ground with a dull thud. Despite the fact that he manages to land on his butt, it still hurts. Speaking of pain...

His ankle is sore, raw, and red. The rope, although it did not go in far, seemed to have dug into his ankle. If he had to, he thinks he could walk on it. Although running would be a different story... At this rate, he is at the mercy of the human.

"I know you don't want to hear this..." the human says in a soft voice, "but I think you should come with me. Your ankle needs medical attention, and you may get sick if you stay out in the rain any longer. I won't make you come with me... Please let me help you. I promise I won't hurt you." As he speaks, the human gazes deep into Suga's eyes, as if trying to see his very soul. The gaze makes Suga shiver.

"Why..." Suga says, using most of his energy to prevent himself from stammering, "Why do you hate the traps? Why do you care about nature?"

Seeming to sense the importance of Suga's questions, the human decides to answer them without any hesitation. "I hate the traps because they hurt both humans and animals. As for nature... I think nature is beautiful and should be protected. Also my job is to care... I'm a conservationist." Suga, despite having read many books, isn't sure what a conservationist is... Upon noticing Suga's confused expression, the human adds, "It's my job to protect nature."

Did Suga just hear him correctly? The human wants to and his job is to protect nature? Despite the fact that his mind is screaming no, Suga says, "I'll go with you if you tell me your name."

"I'm Sawamura Daichi," Sawamura says, offering Suga a hand to help him get off the ground, "I should've said this sooner, but it's nice to meet you, Sugawara." With a shaking hand, Suga accepts Sawamura's help. It isn't until Suga holds Sawamura's hand that he realizes how cold he is... How he feels like ice compared to Sawamura. He isn't the only one that notices... Sawamura notices. "You're freezing..." he says, with a frown. Much to Suga's surprise, Sawamura takes his jacket off and hands it to him. "Put it on, it will warm you up."

"You'll get wet and cold too..." Suga says, trying to convince Sawamura to take his jacket back. Sadly, his words have no affect. With a small sigh, Suga puts the jacket on. "Thank you, Sawamura-san."


"This is it," Sawamura says, when the two of them reach a cabin. The cabin, much to Suga's surprise, has electricity and running water. Electricity and running water... Those two things he has only read about in books. For a moment, Suga is too surprised and excited to be scared. With a small smile, he dashes into the cabin ahead of Daichi.

The cabin is beautiful inside... With a shiny white stove, a just as shiny sink, a cozy fireplace, and a wall seeming to be covered in books. As Suga continues to wander around, noting all of the new and strange things, Daichi watches. He can't help but admit a small laugh. He can't help but find it funny and adorable how Suga is amused by the simplest things.

"I hate to interrupt you," Daichi says, making Suga jump, "but you really need some medical attention... In fact you should probably take a bath to warm yourself up first. You can borrow some of my clothes... After you've had a bath and have changed we can take care of your ankle."

"Okay," Suga says, and with a slight blush on his cheeks, adds, "you'll have to show me how to use the bath though. I've only ever read about them in books..."

"It's quite simple, actually," Daichi says, motioning for Suga to follow him. Once both he and Suga are in the bathroom, he explains the different parts of the bathtub to Suga. "...and the opposite direction, right, makes the water warmer. Alright, I'll give you some space now... Oh and I'll leave you a change of clothes outside the door." When Daichi exits, he does something he knows he shouldn't. He peeks... He can't help it. He curious to know what Suga looks like, what he is...

Suga has a vast array of freckles upon his pale skin. He also has a few feathers at random parts of his body, with most of them being in small groups on either side of his head. It seems that Suga is part bird. But what species of bird is he part of? Daichi finds himself grabbing random clothes and practically throwing them at the bathroom door as he decides what he must do... He must find out one way or another what Suga is.

What could someone as beautiful as Suga possibly be? 

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