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Dedications (basically everyone that recommended me daisuga fics):


ayvash I heard something bad happens in chapter 7 of that fic. I'm scared.

seirinvolleyball I haven't gotten to read the one you recommended yet.

toasty_pandaa I haven't gotten to read the one you recommended yet.

superpiggy I haven't gotten to read the one you recommended yet. (It's not letting me tag you r.i.p @ me) 

After washing the dishes, Suga and Daichi get to work. Daichi does research using his computer, and Suga does research using Daichi's books. "Look for any laws that could make the forest a hands-off zone." With a short nod, Suga begins pulling books off the shelf, and flips through the pages.

He wishes he that he could use the computer. It seems as though it would make the whole process a lot easier... He is tempted to ask Daichi if he can use it, but decides against it. There must be a reason why Daichi didn't immediately let him use the computer. Letting his gaze, which had been focused on Daichi, shift back to the book, he can't help but sigh. From what he has seen, humans have a lot of laws... So many laws that it is understandable that books are needed to keep track of them all.

Suga grows tired fast. There are a lot of laws, but very few of them have anything to do with nature. So far, the only law Suga has found that relates to nature is one that has to do with littering. "Hey Daichi," Suga says, and is surprised to find Daichi almost immediately turning his head to look at him. "Can't you just talk to the construction workers? If you're a conservationist, they have to listen to you." Daichi just gives him a sad and tired look. "Don't they?" Suga adds.

"They are supposed to," Daichi responds, with a heavy sigh, "but no one really cares anymore... The only thing people care about is finding a place to raise their family. And preferably, that place wouldn't be cramped. As it is, it usually takes a lot of conservationists to make a difference... There aren't that many conservationists. The job doesn't pay well." Suga can't help but notice that Daichi seems to grow more and more tired with every sentence he utters.

"I see," Suga says, and in a desperate attempt to make Daichi feel better, he adds, "I don't know if this will make you feel any better, but I like you."

Upon hearing Suga speak, Daichi's cheeks gain a pink hue. "T-Thanks," he stammers, feeling extremely embarrassed to have been caught blushing. "H-Have you found anything yet?"

"Just a law about littering," Suga says with loud sigh. "You humans sure have a lot of laws... Most of them don't seem helpful." Daichi can't help but laugh... Suga makes a good point. "I can't believe you did this all on your own before... I'm getting frustrated and I've only researched for an hour. I can't imagine doing all of this research all by yourself.." Suga can feel himself growing scared as his mind starts to think of negative possibilities. "What if there are no laws that can help? What are we going to do then?"

"I'm sure there is a law that can help us," Daichi says, his deep voice having a calming affect over Suga. "We've just got to search. It's somewhere in those books... Or on the internet."

Internet... Suga has never heard of the internet before. "What's the internet?" Suga asks, and his question makes Daichi sigh.

"It's... Uhh... I'm not sure how to explain it. Just come over here," Daichi says, and Suga, who is eager to see the internet, practically runs over.

The two spend the next two hours on the internet. For the first hour, Daichi shows Suga how to use a web browser, to search for things, and how to back out of a website. He also shows Suga funny YouTube videos that result in Suga's musical laughter to echo throughout the cabin. For the second hour, they do research on the internet together. Daichi does all the searching and reading while Suga takes notes.


Daichi knows that they should do more research, but he is tired. And Suga seems to be tired too... He has yawned multiple times, and seems to be having trouble keeping his eyes open.

"I think we should go to bed," Daichi says with a chuckle. "Do you want to sleep on the couch or on the bed?"

"Couch..." Suga mumbles, "Because it's closer." Sleepy Suga... Sleepy Suga is REALLY cute.

"Alright, I'll get you a pillow and some blankets," Daichi says, before going to his room, getting said objects, and returning. Much to his surprise, Suga is curled up on the couch, already asleep.

Gently, as though not to wake him, Daichi slides a pillow under Suga's head. After doing so, he places the quilt over Suga. As he does so, he can't help but notice that Suga's body is twitching. It's as though he's dreaming... "Mom... Dad..." Suga whimpers in his sleep, "why did you leave me alone?" Daichi is wrong. Suga isn't dreaming... He's having a nightmare. "Why did they kill you? Why are they killing the forest? Why..."

Daichi can't bear to watch. He can't bear to watch Suga have a nightmare... So he shakes him. He shakes him just enough that he wakes up. "That story you told me..." Daichi whispers, "You're the prince, aren't you?"

Suga just nods.

"I'm sorry for your lost, your majesty," Daichi says, and his use of your majesty makes Suga giggle.

"You don't have to call me 'your majesty'," Suga whispers, "Just call me Suga. Or you can call me Koshi. After all, it would only be fair if you call me by my first name since I call you by your first name."

"Okay, Koshi," Daichi says, with a small smile. His smile quickly fades as he asks Suga a question. "These nightmares... Are they what are making you tired? Are they the reason your feathers are falling out?"

Suga nods.

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"

"Yes," Suga says, all the while reaching up and grabbing hold of one of Daichi's hands, "stay. Just until I fall asleep."

Daichi stays.

Daichi stays long after Suga falls asleep.

Daichi stays so long that, before he knows it, his body is acting on its own...

His body, refusing to sleep on the floor or walk to his bedroom joins Suga on the couch.

Daichi ends up falling asleep on the couch, with one arm draped over Suga's side. 

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