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It was about an hour after the chair incident, and they still weren't home. it was nearly 7:00, and they left at 1:00. I have to admit, I was getting slightly worried. I was just laying down scrolling through tumblr when I heard him, talking on the phone. I
tiptoed over to the door to try and hear. (the next part is what he is hearing.)


"Oh, umm I don't know he hasn't talked at all and he seems uncomfortable around me."

They were talking about me I knew it, but why. He wasn't gonna make me talk.

"Can't you get a female to watch him, I don't think he is comfortable ar-­"

"Ok, Bye."

What does he mean 'watch me', he was already watching me. I quickly got up, which made me super dizzy, once I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I ran back over to my bed and slid under the duvet. He knocked onto the door, then he walked in. His hair was a mess and his glasses were askew. I sat up as he walked toward the bed.
I could feel my heart start to beat out of my chest. I don't know why, but him just walking toward the bed was making me nervous. All I could think about was when my 'dad' did this. I was just laying down on tumblr when he walked in. He was obviously drunk, but it still felt horrible. He never talked about it or even said sorry, he must have thought I forgot. Now 'phil' was standing right next to the bed, he was staring at me through his dirty glasses. I
kept backing up until I reached the end of the bed. He started climbing onto the bed after me, I started freaking out even more and flailed. I didn't realise I fell off the bed until I had a massive headache.
I bounced back up to see if he was still there. I laid back down and curled into a ball.
He wasn't there, it was like he just disap­-.

"Oh My God, Dan you need to stop falling! you are going to actually get hurt!" He pushed open the door just like he had. But he wasn't wearing his glasses. I was terrified. he was in here not even 10 seconds ago!

"Dan? Are you okay?" He started to slowly walk over to me, that got me nervous again.

He slowly kneeled down in front of me. He was slightly taller than me so I could easily avoid eye contact. What I wasn't counting on is him pulling me into a hug. I couldn't move, or breath. I hated being alone with any male who was older then me. He was older then me, he was hugging me. All I could do was sit there, limp. He slowly let me go, he just kinda stared at me.
He smirked a little bit, then gave me the phone. I hesitantly took the phone and opened notepad.

Weren't you just in here, I saw you. you walked in here then walked toward the bed. And

I stopped typing and shoved the phone back at him. He was reading the text, and I could tell when he finished. He looked confused and horrified at the same time.

"I was never in here I was talking to your foster parents. Do you want me to call them so they can calm you down? I was supposed to say overnight and watch you, but I'll call my friend louise and she'll watch you."
He started to get up, and for some reason I felt better having him here then Louise, so I
grabbed his wrist and opened notepad again.

I think I'd rather have you stay if thats ok.

He smiled a little bit and nodded. I could tell he was happy that I was 'warming' up to him. He got up and reached down, I slowly reached my hand up and grabbed his. It sent chills through my body as he pulled me off the floor.

"Do you like anime? we can go watch one." I quickly nodded and smiled a bit. That was
what kept me sane at my old house, anime. I would always escape to the world of fictional characters.

Phil grabbed my wrist and pulled me down the stairs and into the living room. I sat on
the end of the couch and played with the end of my pants. He switched on the first anime he found and settled onto the other side of the couch. I was starting to calm down. All the sudden though I got super dizzy and supported myself with my hands. I ussumed it was nothing so i just tried to act as nomal as possibeAt least  until their was a knock on the door.

Phil got up and walked over to the door. I couldn't help but follow him over to the door. I stopped dead in my tracks when i heard an all too familiar voice.

HIM." I poured back into a corner. It was him, I reached up and felt the scratch he gave he not even 3 days ago. My mom said he wouldn't know where I was, that I would be safe.
But he found me. "I'm sorry sir, I don't know who you are talking about." I completely forgot Phil didn't know about my 'dad', he could ser-
I was interrupted by the sound of Phil falling back and landing smack on the floor. I curled farther into a ball and prayed that I was dreaming, nope.

The next thing I knew, a giant hand was closed around my neck. I could feel my feet
coming off the floor. I started panicking and kicked up my legs. Lucky for me (, he was way taller so I only kicked his leg, and now he was even more angry.

I shot up and nearly fell off the couch.

It never happened. Then what was that...

I did this all on my phone and then it deleted half way through....
But ayyyy
Yeah so if you watched the video... Your welcome. Very welcome. I think it goes with the story today.
Haven't uploaded in so long guys, feel like super dirt trash. Not in a good way either...
Any way

You Okay?~Dan And Phil High School auWhere stories live. Discover now