what a suprise

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Dan's pov

I shockingly looked down at, wondering who it was, since I didn't know any zoe's. I looked down the row of lockers and saw that almost everyone was pulling the same glittery pink card out.

I breath out realising it was a whole school thing, meaning she was trying to get everyone to come. That was a relief, but I still kinda wanted to go.

I slipped the card in my back bag and got my books. I reluctantly made my way to maths, knowing Aaron would be there.

Once I got to class, I looked making sure Aaron was already in his seat. And just as I thought, he was sitting at his desk, talking to the other bully- jocks.

He didn't bother me in maths, even though he did say that he would only go easy on me.

Maybe he had a change of heart. Or he found someone else.

Fuck, Jack and mark. If he beat me up for acting gay, what would he do to jack and mark for being gay. Once maths ended, I put all my stuff in my bookbag and waited for Aaron and his gang to leave.

Once they left, I followed them out, hoping to see what he was doing. As he rounded a corner, I slowly followed behind him, only he wasn't there when I rounded the same corner. I knew that was bad so I ran all the way to my next class, hoping to not be seen by them.

Once I got into theater class, I saw PJ, Mark, and Jack all standing in the corner. I walked over to them, glad they were in my class.

I don't know why my foster 'parents' signed me up for theater, as I didn't talk so I couldn't portray any roles except for a kid who doesn't talk.

But I guess it didn't matter, Since My foster 'parents' were very well know and probably part of the school board.

I pulled out my notepad so I could tell Jack and Mark something.

Hey, watch out for that kid and his gang, they'll fuck you up.

They looked at eachother and you could see jack was more worried than Mark. To be honest, Mark just looked mad. I just put the notepad back in my pocket and sat down in the seat next to PJ

As we were all sitting down, the teacher came in. He was a really tall guy, with a weird kinda scruff beard.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Jakobs. I'm glad to see how many youngins are interested in the theater." He had a super deep voice, which made me sing down farther in my chair.

He slowly made his way around the room and asked everyone's name. Once he was in the row behind me, I quickly wrote my name on a piece of paper, put it on the side he was walking on, and grabbed my book.

When he got to my desk, he picked up the paper, ripped it up and just stared at me. The paper ripping cause everyone in the room to stare at me and you could even hear people laughing. But the person you heard most, was Aaron.

My hands tightened onto the book as I felt him staring at me. I looked up slowly and saw that he was just looming over my desk waiting.
"Name?" He said in a harsh tone, similar to the one my dad had when he was drunk that day. I just sat there looking up at him from the corner of my eye.


I quickly grabbed all my stuff and practically ran out of the classroom. That was definitely gonna be a hard class.

When I got to the office, I saw phil sitting in one of the chairs. I walked in and he almost jumped when I tapped on his shoulder.

"Hey, uh, I just wanted to give ya my number, just, uh, incase. I don't even care if it's, um, late at night. But that's, uh, all. I have to go." With that he ran out of the office just leaving the paper with his number in my hand. I stuffed it in my pocket and walked back to class, hoping to be spared the awkward staring from the teacher.

Once i actually got in the classroom, the teacher didn't give me a second look. And the rest of the day went like that as well.

When I finally got home, I remember I had a meeting with the owner of the strip club. I groaned at the thought and walked over to the couch, waiting for my foster 'dad' to get home.

About 10 minutes later, he opened the door and yelled for me to get in the car. I quickly grabbed my bag and ran out to the car.

Once he saw me close the door he speeded the car away toward the club. It takes about 10 minutes to drive there and we go through the short way through the town.

All the sudden, the car stopped and he said to get out. I looked out the window and saw a building that looked like a sinister place they kept kids. I grumpily got out of the car and as soon as I closed the door, I heard him speed away.

I opened the doors and what I saw was overwhelming.... 


I might as well call you hangers cause of that cliff... Sorry

And sorry I didn't upload. I'm shitty I know.  Welllllll.  I'll try I swear. 



You Okay?~Dan And Phil High School auWhere stories live. Discover now