Welcome To My Flat

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Phil's pov

I went in the kitchen to get Dan some water because I felt like that would help how drunk he is. I didn't really know what to do because he was under age, so I thought just give him some water and maybe some pain killers?

When I walked back into the living room, he was sitting on the couch just staring into nothingness. As I got closer I saw him gaze was focused on the pictures I had on my walls.

I tried to give him the cup but he didn't respond, so I just leaned over him to place it on the table.

I felt the back of my shirt go up but just ignored it. I leaned back up and saw Dan was now just staring at me, not looking at the pictures.

I opened my mouth to say something when Dan quickly leaned toward me and kissed me right on the lips. As He did, I closed my mouth, which I guess he thought I actually kissed him because of that.

He was holding onto the back of my head, but I managed to slip out and lean back out of the kiss. WHen I looked at his face, he looked a little sad, but still super dazed cause of how drunk he was.

"Dan, I know you're drunk but that is not good, Heck I don't even think it's legal! In reality, oyu shoulden't have been drinking.You could get in trouble if the cops found out."

"Well, one did come in and put people's hands togeter, but I whan." My eyes widened in surprise as he laid back and put a pillow on his head. I just picked him up and went around to put him in my bed.

I put him down and almost instantly, he fell asleep. I sighed and walked back into the lounge. I grabbed my phone and texted his foster parents, telling them he was over at my house, and that I would drop him off tomorrow morning.

I laid down on the couch and tried to go to sleep, but I just couldn't. My mind just kept going back to Dan. Stop it Phil, anything would be illegal.

I groaned and rolled onto my back looking at the ceiling. After a few minutes of me staring at all the dark spots and trying to count the imperfections, I fell asleep.

I woke up to someone poking my arm. I woke up to see a large eyed dan looking at me with a notepad. I put on my glasses and read it.

I'm sorry for anything I did. But I had a dream about my real dad and now I'm scared.

When I finished reading it, I sat up and pulled him into a hug. You could tell he was almost sober because of how he wasn't talking. I felt his arms slowly close around my back and it made me smile, knowing he was staring to get comfortable around me.

"Ok, I guess I can sleep with you in my room. Just so you're not alone." He let go of the hug and nodded his head tes. I looked at his face and what I saw broke my heart.

His eyes were completely red and you could tell he was scared, because his eyes were darting around the room and in the hall as we walked back to my room.

When we got in the room, he laid down on the left side, so I went to the edge of the right side, not wanting to get too close and make him worried. I heard a little whine from him and looked over to see he was sleeping. I smiled a little and took my glasses off, wanting to go back to sleep.

I woke up in the morning and realised I was more in the middle of the bed. I could feel a weight on my chest so I looked down.

When I looked down, I saw a sleeping Dan cuddled up against my side with his head on my chest. His hair was a mess and he had giant bags under his eyes. I tried to move his hair out of his face, resulting in him moving and squirming closer.

I saw his eyes opening and he yaned. WHen he opened his eyes completely and looked up, he almost jumped off the bed and ran to the corner, his face turning red.

I cursed and sat up, wanting to make sure he was ok. He just turned more red and tried to smile, and mouth I'm sorry.  


There you go you sickos.

As illegal as I wanted to be. Bye



You Okay?~Dan And Phil High School auWhere stories live. Discover now