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Dan's pov

I woke up on the bathroom floor, I practically jumped up once I realized I never went back down stairs. I ran over to the door and unlocked it, slowly opening it.

Through the window, I saw it was morning outside. I quickly ran to my room and got dress for school, not wanting to be late.

I put on a random jumper and ran out the door with my book bag.

"Hoi Dan!!!" I looked to see jack and mark running over to me when I got to the bus stop I smiled, glad they were both ok.

I pulled out my phone and quickly typed something.

Hey guys, I was worried cause of Aaron.

They simply shrugged and held hands, walking on the bus that just arrived. I quickly ran to the back and sat next to all of them.

When we got to school, I realized how little I wanted to be there even with some friends. I mostly wanted to lay in bed and go on tumblr, bloody hell.

I went to my locker and saw it was open, when I just got here and I know I closed it yesterday.

"Zoe, she sounds nice enough," I turned around to see Phil standing against the wall opposite to me. His roots were growing back, so you could see the ginger of his hair. It made me laugh a little, even though his eyebrows did give it away.

He laughed too and sighed.

"Listen,I know your dad is making you get a job, so just try your hardest there. It'll all be ok." I was shocked at first, then I realized even if my foster 'dad' did tell him he wouldn't tell him where I was going to work. I smiled and nodded, hoping he couldn't tell I was hiding something

Luckily, I must have been convincing because he just smiled, said bye and left. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

I finished getting all my stuff and walked to maths, with Aaron. It wasn't gonna be that bad I bet. Maybe.

When I walked in, Aaron walked up to me and stopped right in front of me. I scrunched my face up, thinking he was gonna punch me.

"Calm down. Zoe wanted me to ask if you are going to her party." I just shook my head not knowing what else to do. He nodded with a smile and walked back over to his friends.

I hoped I could just 'forget' but I kind of wanted to go just to get away from my foster parents.

I sighed and put my head on my desk, still looking at the board. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Aaron staring at me, But he wasn't staring at my head. It looked like he was staring at my back or butt. I began to shift uncomfortably knowing he was staring at me.

I saw him bite his lip and I started freaking out. I tried to focus on the board and not think about it, but my head just kept going back to him staring at me. I scooted my chair in, hoping to cut off the line of sight, that failed.

I quickly raised my hand with my bathroom pass in my hand, the teacher nodded and let me go. As I got up, I saw Aaron staring at me more intensely. I quickly walked out the door then ran to the bathroom, hoping no one was in there.

I ran into a stall and crouched on the seat, scared he followed me. I heard the door open and saw two pairs of feet. One had black converse, the other had weird gray shoes. I held my breath, until I heard a laugh.

I heard the same laugh earlier and realized it must be mark and jack. I walked out of the stall and Jack jumped cursing something in another language.

"AWWWWWW, I thought no one was in here!" Mark pouted and raised an eyebrow. I laughed and put my hands up, walking out the door.

I walked back to Maths, now not as worried. When I was walking away though, I did hear something slam against the wall, and maybe a moan. (wink wink)

When I walked in, I saw Aaron lick his lips, so I rushed to my seat and waited out the class.

When class ended, I almost ran out and to my next class. The rest of the day pretty much carried on like that, avoiding Aaron.

When I got home I was greeted by my foster 'dad' eating something. I walked up to him and wrote on my phone.

Hey, my friend is having a party. Can I go. I can walk

"OK, maybe you will talk a little, and yeah walk because I gave late work." I smiled and shook my head, running to my room. It's not like i'm going to talk, I just really wanted to go. Anyway, I realized I didn't really feel like changing so I ended up just taking a nap.  


NO. I DON'T ACCEPT ( but I wrote in so yaeh )

Do you ship Daron (DAN X AARON) ??????????

party scene tomorrow! DRUNK DAN (spoiler)



You Okay?~Dan And Phil High School auWhere stories live. Discover now