Party Time (que awkward dance)

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Dan's pov

I woke up at about 7:58 and decided I should get up and probably start walking since I think it was on the other side of town

I walked out of my house, leaving a note to tell everyone I was leaving. I put the address on my phone, seeing it was on the other side of town. I grunted and started walking in the direction of the house.

I got there at about 8:59, A minute early. I shyly walked up to the door and before I knocked, the girl I'm assuming is Zoe opened the door. She nicely greeted me and walked me in with everyone else.

I looked around looking for people I know, nope. I could only see people who looked like either outcasts or the 'in crowd.

Regardless, I planned to have at least a little fun. Meaning I had to get a tiny bit drunk. I slowly walked over to the kitchen and saw a giant bottle of vodka. I don't know what else there was. So I got a cup, poured in a little sprite, then filled the cup with vodka.

I smelled it and my nose scrunched up. It didn't smell good at all, and I was debating just pouring it out. Until I saw something.

I saw Zoe and some others setting up Guitar Hero™. That was one of my favorite games, but I wouldn't bring myself to play. I swore in my head and chugged it all. As I put the cup down, I was already slightly dizzy, but I got another cup full, without the sprite.

I slowly walked over and saw they finished setting up.

"Yo, Imma play guitar. Mkay--" Everyone else was also drunk so they all just shook their heads and I grabbed the guitar. I couldn't really see anything a=cause everything was blurry, but I still was having fun.

When I was done playing, I went to the kitchen to get another drink. As I walked in, I saw people doing body shots. At first I didn't know who was laying on the table. I tried to get closer, but there was a lot of people.

All the sudden, I saw Mark pop up and then I noticed a fluff of green hair lying on the table. They both got up and jack walked over to me.

"You shhold do ti, it'z fun." I don't know whether it was how much I drank, but I agreed and volunteered to go next. Someone explained they were playing like spin the bottle. Whoever the skinny part points to, is lying. I jumped in the circle and waited it to spin to me.

After a few spins, it landed on me and a random guy who had a kind of fringe.

"AHHHHH, Dan and Felix!!!" I quickly jumped on the table taking off my shirt. A random girl put a lime in my mouth then put salt on my neck, then put what I assume is vodka, in the belly button. I shivered as she poured it in, as It was still cold.

Felix first licked the salt off my neck, also sucking a little, I shuddered again and a little moan came out. Then he sucked the vodka, and his eyes never left my eyes. Finally, he went to my mouth and sucked on the lime, looking me straight in the eye.

He leaned away and jumped up and down, giving out high fives and fist bumps (brofist). I gently swung my legs around and popped on the floor putting on my shirt. I heard Felix talking to his friends from where they were standing.

"He can make me howl anytime if ya know what I mean." I felt my face heat up a little and realized I was blushing. I shook it off and grabbed a shot of whatever was in the shot glass next to me.

We all started playing twister until we heard a cop car. Some people ran to hide in closets and stuff. But I was too drunk to do anything. A cop came in and told us all to leave, then he saw how drunk everyone was and started cuffing people.

I started to freak out because of the fact my fosters were already not happy. I quickly ran out the door and all I heard was the cop yelling after me, but I kept running not wanting to get caught. (this IS an AU, so get off my case bruh)

I ran into the woods and pulled out my phone, about to call my fosters. I cursed at the top of my lungs and punched a tree. I remembered Phil gave me his number, and I was wearing the same pants as that day.

I started digging through my pockets until I found the number. I quickly typed it in and pressed call. It ringed twice until he picked up

"Hey Dan, What. Its 2 in the morning." I smirked at the sound of his voice and sighed.

"I need ya to com pick me uuppp." I kind of slurred my last word and I heard him sigh. He asked for where i was, and I told him about where I was. He then hung up and told me he'd be right there.

About 10 minutes later, he pulled up on the road and waved to me. I walked over to the car with a giant smile. Once i got close he looked worried.

I got in the car and he just looked at me.

"You're drunk. I'll take you home." I didn't respond because I didn't think about it till a little bit.

"Noooooooo, they would keill meh. Take me to yor hoes." He just agreed and started driving away. WHile we were driving, I kept looking over at him. He was wearing star wars pajamas and a white t-shirt. He was also in his glasses, which I think makes him looks cute af.

When we finally pulled up to his apartment, he told me I could sleep on the bed and that he'd take the couch. He unlocked the door and closed it behind me.

He left to the kitchen and I sat on the couch in the lounge. He came back with a glass of water and put it on the coffee table next to me. While he was reaching over me to put the cup on the table, his shirt slightly lifted up and I saw a bit of his boxers and skin.

When he sat back up, I leaned over and kissed him passionately, grabbing his head and pulling him in the kiss.

He didn't try to pull away and just kissed back. 



I'm pokemoning so hard right now so yeah.  

the start of phan yass

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