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Dan's pov

I just stood there is shock. He wanted me to get a job as a bartender, while I was 16. He also wanted me to work at a relaxation club, which I'm pretty sure is a strip club for rich people.

"I already called them, they don't care you're 16 and don't talk. I also sent them a picture and they said you would be a great addition." My eyes widened as I realised he already signed me up for the job, and he wasn't just suggesting it. He just laughed a little and took the paper away.

"You have an interview tomorrow, i'll take you, but you have to walk home." I quickly grabbed his phone and before he could grab it I opened notes.

Why do I have to work there then walk home. I could get kidnapped or something.

He quickly grabbed the phone and put it in his pocket before sighing and looking back at me.

"This is so you can pay the hospital bills and all of the medication, and I won't be there to always pick you up. Oh and don't think so highly of yourself, no one wants you." I rolled my eyes and walked up to my room again. As soon as I walked in the room I heard my phone go off. I walked over to it, I didn't know who it was because I didn't give anyone my number, not even pj or whatever his name was. I checked my phone and saw the number. It wasn't the plymouth area code, it was this area.

Unknown- Hey fag, heard you went to the hospital. I visited you by the way, got real close. Don't worry, tomorrow i'll make sure to go easy on you.

Dan- Who are you

Unknown- Oh it's Aaron, the one who introduced you to the school, hope you enjoy it by the way.

I dropped my phone and now was just sitting on my bed. He was always going to be there, and 'going easy' would probably be just as bad.

I looked at my clock and realised it was 11:45 almost midnight. I had school and an interview tomorrow, great.

I turned the light off and got under my duvet, hoping that tomorrow wouldn't be as bad as I thought.

Dan's pov

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I looked over at the time, 7:00. I don't know why I set it so early I just did.

I got up and picked out a random jumper and black skinny jeans. I also grabbed a pair of boxers so I could take a shower. I made my way into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked terrible. The old scar had reopened, I had another black eye. My jaw was still slightly off, but fixed.

As I turned on the shower I looked at the door. I know I shouldn't have been so paranoid, but I quickly ran over and locked the door, making sure it was fully locked. Then I took my shirt off and stuffed it in the crack under the door.

I leaned back and let out a sigh of relief before i finished getting undressed and got into the shower.

About 10 minutes later, I got out and got ready for school. I got dressed, straightened my hair, and put in a pair of fake black gages.

Around 7:45, I left the bathroom and went back to my room, making sure to lock that door as I walk in.

I went over to my desk to see pills and a cup of water. I'm guessing someone put them in while I was in the bathroom. I swallowed down all 7 pills and sat down. I looked over the one journal I wrote and everything else on my desk.

I saw all the pencils, the pen, the spots stained with the blood I forgot to clean up, and the now empty cup.

I guess I kind of wandered because before I knew it my foster 'mom' was rushing me out the door down to the bus stop.

When i got to the bus stop, tons of kids were already waiting there, including Aaron.

"Oy, it's little faggy. Have fun at the hospital? I was sure no one would find ya mate." I just tried to blend deeper into the crowed and he started to get closer and closer.

Luckily, Pj was also at the stop, so I kinda had a friend. I looked for him all through the crowd, hoping he wasn't sick or something.

All the sudden, I saw him leaning up against a pole, with two people. One had green bangs I guess, and the other had red bang things. I quickly ran over to him and waved to the two guys standing next to him.

"Oh hey Dan, this is Mark and Sean, but he goes by Jack. They both moved from LA. Oh and there dating, aren't they so cute together!!!" PJ started almost dancing around them before seeing who I think was Aaron. He just quick stood still and was looking down. I reached in my pocket to get my phone, but I guess I left it at home. I then opened my book bag, looking for my notepad, I also forgot that at home. Fuck

I just grunted as the bus pulled up. When it parked and signaled for us all to get in, Me, Mark, Jack, and PJ all ran to the back, each of us claiming seats. Jack and Mark sat next to eachother, of course.

When the bus pulled up, we all spit up and went to our lockers. Luckily, I had an extra notepad in my locker, so I was fine. I also looked to see a note in my locker.


Come enjoy all the party things!

There will be beer and shit. All the alcohol!

Party is tomorrow at 9 till whenever

My address is 6493 clerkenwell rd



You Okay?~Dan And Phil High School auWhere stories live. Discover now