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Phil's pov

I was sitting in the Starbucks me and Chris always met at. He was just getting off his shift in this new strip club around the corner. I really didn't like the idea of him working at a strip club. Although he was 21, I still felt he was a little young and especially mostly old people went there.

I looked out the window and saw Chris walking up, there was a random kid behind him who must have just been also going to Starbucks.

He walked into the store and so did the kid. I smiled at him and got up to greet him. As I got closer, I noticed who the kid was and not even a second later my smile was gone.

"Hey Phil. I hope ya don't mind, He works with me at the club and this really old guys brought him in one of the rooms and I found him crying in the back." My eyes widened as I saw Dan's head shook up and look straight at me.

His eyes starting darting all around the place, as if making sure someone wasn't here. I walked over to him and gave him my phone, already open to notes.

As he typed I explained to Chris that we knew each other and I knew his foster parents. I also explained that he was only 16. He looked shocked and glanced at Dan from the corner of his eye.

I noticed that Dan had stopped writing and was now just staring at the phone. One of his hands went up to the left side of his neck and he just kept it there, handing my phone back.

My foster dad said I had to work there to help pay my medical bills so I did. Today when I was working I saw my real dad and he pushed me in the room an

When I finished reading what he wrote I got even more worried. How did his dad find him and what did he do. I really didn't wanna ask about what he did do, but I needed to know.

Without any warning, I grabbed Dan's hand and pulled it away from his neck wanting to see what was there. What I saw gave me chills considering it was his dad.

Dan had a giant hickey on the side of his neck, and when I pulled his hand away I noticed his eyes start to water. I frantically texted his foster parents saying I was gonna bring him home.

"Sorry Chris, I have to bring Dan home." Chris nodded and agreed that I should. I thanked him and ran Dan out to my car. He sat in the back and broke down as soon as he hit the chair.

I quickly ran to the driver's seat and turned on the car, speeding away. I didn't know if Dan was going to be okay. In mean, how did his dad find him, I thought when kids were taken away for abuse, the original parents weren't told where they were. It makes me worried, that what if he knows where Dan lives. He could just show up at anytime and hurt Dan.

When we pulled into their driveway, Dan had stopped crying and now was humming some song. I smiled a little, knowing he was gonna be okay for now. When I got out of my car, I saw a black pickup in front of me. I knew neither of the Howells had a black pickup and it must be a friends, so I thought about not going in with Dan, until he pulled on my sleeve and pointed to the license plate.

Plymouth. The ID on the plate meant that whoever it was, was from Plymouth. My eyes widened as I realized Dan was from Plymouth. I decided to go in with him just in case.

As we walked in, I saw an old guy, a little older than Mr Howell, and a woman. The man looked over at Dan and had a terrifying smile. Dan shuffled behind me and tried to hide himself.

"Aww, Does Danny boy finally have a boyfriend. Or is he just a prostitute from the strip club you asked to come over?" my eyes widened as his biological father was talking. Saying that we were dating, or that I was a prostitute.

Mr Howell walked out and saw us. He smiled in my direction but I just stared at him.

"You sent Dan to work at a strip club! You do know he is underage so you could be arrested!" I turned my attention to Dan's dad " And you! You went to that club, knowing Dan was there you molested him right then and there!" I was gonna say more but Dan grabbed my arm and smiled up at me. I sighed and looked down at my feet.

Dan took his phone out of his pocket and typed something showing it to his dad. He laughed and slapped Dan right across the face. Everyone was silent. Then his dad bursted out in laughter as Dan fell to the floor.


 sorry for the short chapter!!!!

But hey, a wild Phil has appeared



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