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《Cap's POV》

I listen in satisfaction as the thump, thump, thump, of my fists on the punching bag echo throughout the room. I pause my tempo to wipe the sweat from my brow. I turn and fall into a combative stance when I hear a noise behind me.

Standing there is a large black man with an eye patch covering one eye.

"Calm down, Mr. Rogers."

Okay, a strange man knowing my name did not make me want to calm down.

I don't release my stance as I inquire, "How do you know my name?"

"Oh, I know a great deal about you, but we can save that conversation for later. Right now, I'm here on official business."

"Which is?" I raise an eyebrow at him questioningly.

"I have a special team being put together to help save the world." He says calmly, stepping farther into the room.

"To save the world? The threat is that drastic?" I ease my stance.

"Unfortunately, yes. I call the team the Avengers and I'd like you to become one of them."

"I'll think about it."

"Please, Mr. Rogers. Many innocent lives are at stake and depend on this team."

That changes my outlook on "thinking" about it.

"Okay. I'm in."

I hear a faint clicking. I look down at my wrist and see the numbers changing. It changed from 27 days to 3 days.

0003 days, 03 hr, 48 min, 24 s

"There is a meeting that you and the others I've chosen for this team need to attend."

"When's the meeting?"

"In 3 days."


I look down at my wrist again. I'm going to meet my soulmate in 3 days.

Is that a coincidence?

I turn and land one more solid hit on the punching bag. The chain holding the bag makes a groan before it drops the abused bag. I sigh before lifting the discarded bag and setting it on a growing pile. I walk a few paces to grab another spare bag to replace it.


《Tony's POV》

I sit down in a wheely chair as Director Fury insists on me doing.

A red headed lady sits across from me with a brunette man dressed in black. There's a curly black haired man with glasses in the corner while a huge man with long blond hair carrying a hammer is sitting to the right of me.

Director Fury tells us that we're waiting on one more person and then we'll start.

I look down at my wrist and suck in a breath. 2 minutes until I meet my soulmate. My mind runs through every possible way I could meet my soulmate in 2 minutes.

I'm snapped out of my thinking when the door slams open and a blond man strolls in. We lock eyes and all I can hear is clicking.

The man looks down at his wrist and blinks in surprise multiple times. I look down at mine and sure enough my wrist says 0000 days, 00 hrs, 00 min, 00 s.

This man is my soulmate.

He walks over to me and grabs my arm. He looks at my wrist and puts his own next to mine. His reads the same as mine. He locks his fingers with mine and smiles charmingly.

"I'm Tony Stark. And now you're mine."

I look at him mutely and when his smile widens, it's so breath-taking that I have to smile back. He keeps our hands entwined and sits next to me.


《Cap's POV》

"So what's your name Gorgeous?" Tony asks with the most breathtaking smile I've ever seen on his face.

"U-uh, Steve Rogers."

Real smooth Rogers.

"No, no. That's wrong."

"My name isn't Steve Rogers?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"Nope," He says while popping the p.

"Then what is it?"

"Steve Stark."

My cheeks are on fire and I look away.

The red headed lady laughs.

"Smooth one, Stark," She acknowledges.

He laughs and pulls his chair closer to mine.

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