Palm Reading

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Tony and Steve were cuddling on the sofa when Tony looked up at Steve and kissed his jaw.

"Yes love?" Steve looked down at his boyfriend.

Tony smiled, he loved how Steve just knew when he wanted something.

"You know, I know how to read palms..." He says, almost randomly.

"Really?" Steve's face brightened up, Tony thought it was so adorable.

"Yeah, I'll read your palm if you want." Tony couldn't help but to smile.

"Please." Steve says excitedly.

Tony took one of the arms around his waist and stared at the palm intensely.

"It says you're a nerd!" He gasps after a moment in an amazed tone.

"You're an ass." Steve pouted realizing Tony just made this up.

"But I'm your ass" Tony found it amusing and chuckled.

"Yes, you're my ass and I love you." Steve sighed and kissed Tony's forehead.

"I love you too, nerd."

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