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Daddy Dom! Steve x Little Boy! Tony

⚠️ I don't support: minors in kink, agere, or any 'sfw' little space communities ⚠️


Tony was playing with moon sand in his kiddy pool. He was making a castle.

"I got you some juice, baby boy." Steve says walking up to Tony.

"Thank you, Daddy! I love you!" Tony says, looking up smiling and grabbing the sippy cup.

Steve smiled at his little as he drank a bit of said juice. You might be confused, that's understandable. Tony is a little, he engages in age play. It helps relieve stress and the power dynamic is hot. Right now, he's just like a toddler.

Steve is his Daddy, his Daddy takes care of him, makes sure Tony doesn't do something bad, like eating a lot of candies.

"Daddy, look! I mades castle!" Tony says with a big smile on his face.

"Such a pretty castle, perfect for such a pretty princess." Tony blushed but giggled at Steve's compliment.

"I a pretty princess!" Tony says smashing his castle.

"That you are, darling." Steve smiles sitting back on the sofa.

"I wanna watch a movie." Tony whined.

"Clean up the sand and I'll put one on." Steve said turning on the TV.

"But-" Tony pouted, he didn't want to clean up.

"No buts, clean up the sand or no movie." He says firmly.

"Fine." Tony pouted the whole time cleaning up.

"Now movie?" He says as soon as he's done.

"Now movie. Which movie would you like?" Steve chuckled at Tony's cuteness.

"Mmmm..... Oh, Mulan!!!" Steve got up putting the movie in. Tony sips on his juice before getting up and sitting on the sofa next to Steve.

Steve wraps an arm around his little boy. About half way through the movie Tony stopped singing the songs and closed his eyes.

"Tired?" Steve asks looking closely at Tony's face. He has dark circles under his eyes from working on his suits all night. Tony hasn't slept in days, this is the first time he's been able to go into little space in weeks.

Tony nods, making a very cute face.

"How about, Daddy tucks you in and holds you. That way I can fight all the bad dreams away." Tony nods too tired to talk. Steve picked Tony up bridal style. Once in bed Tony cuddles into Steve.

"I love you, Daddy." Tony whispers into Steve's chest.

"Daddy loves you too. Now be a good boy and go to sleep." Steve smiles into the dark.

"Yes Daddy." Tony closed his eyes and drifted off into much needed sleep. Steve kissed his forehead before falling asleep himself.

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