Shut Up And Kiss Me

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Tony walked down the stairs to the party. Everyone was already mingling. Tony went to the bar to get a drink.

"Scotch please." He says waving down the barkeep.

"On the rocks or neat, sir?" The bartender asks.

"Neat, please."

"Wow, didn't think you knew the word 'please' "

Tony turned around to see Steve looking amazing in a classic black suit. He chuckled as the bartender gave him his drink.

"Just because I don't use the word often doesn't mean I don't know it." Tony says, taking the drink.

Steve smiled and said "You should say it more, I have a thing for manners..." And winked before waking away, talking to Thor and Nat.

Tony bit his lip to keep from smiling like an idiot. He downed his drink and asked for another. As he was finishing his second drink he saw Clint making his way towards him.

"Tony, I have a great idea!" The dirty blond said once he was in front of Tony.

"And what might that be?" Tony raises an eyebrow.

"I dare you to go dance with Steve!" He says with a mischievous look on his face.

"Really? A dare?" Tony sighs.

"Are you too chicken?"

"No, never. Tony Stark never backs down from a dare." Tony says falling into the trap. He walked over to the sofa where Steve and Nat were having a conversation.

"May I steal Steve for a bit?" He asks Nat.

"Of course." Nat smiled at them before walking over to Clint.

"Need something?" Steve asked after a minute of Tony just staring at him.

"Y-Yes, I was w-wondering if you'd like to....d-dance?" Tony blushes lightly as he stutters.

"I'd love to." Steve smiled, taking Tony's hand and leading him to the dance floor. Steve wrapped his arms around Tony's waist, Tony wrapped his arms around the taller man's neck.

Tony's breathing was a bit uneven as they danced, they were just so close.

"Your eyes are such a beautiful brown." Steve said out of nowhere causing Tony to blush a deep pink.

Steve just chuckled and whispered in Tony's ear "You're even cuter when you blush." Making said male blush more.

"Ya know, scientifically your cuter, I mean you can ask anyone. With your ocean blue eyes, pink lips that look so soft, and those muscles, oh god those muscles. That's not even mentioning your amazing kindness and sense of justice. And then there's the fact tha-" Tony rambles.

"Shut up and kiss me" Steve cuts Tony off pulling him into a kiss. Tony happily kissed back enjoying the feel of the lips that were indeed soft.

When they pulled back Steve smiled at the still blushing Tony.

"I knew we were bound to be together,
Bound to be together~" Steve sang along with the song with Tony in his arms. Tony rested his head on Steve's shoulder.

Yeah, This night was perfect.

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