Destruction Of Government Property

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"Ahhh, Tony." Steve moaned as Tony sucked and nibbled at the pulse point on Steve's neck.

Tony turned the blond to a puddle with only his mouth and hands. He moved down Steve's neck, down his chest, down his stomach, and finally to the dessert he wanted. He licked his lips and took what was his.


If anyone was near Tony's lab that night...well let's just say, they'll never be able to unhear what they heard that night. The next day, while Steve was doing....stuff for Shield, Tony was tinkering in his lab.

"Sir, Nick Fury is calling." Jarvis informed the man of iron.

"Alright, put him through." Tony sighed, he wanted the tell Jarvis to tell Fury that he isn't here but he knew Fury wouldn't give up until he talked to Tony.

A second later Tony heard Fury's deep voice

"Tony Stark, you have harmed government property! Do not do it again!"

The line went dead. Tony was so confused.

"I haven't left the house in almost a week, what could I have possibly done!?" He asks himself before going back to work.


Steve came home that night to find Tony sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"I got a lecture from Fury because of you." He stated, sitting down next to Tony. Tony muted the TV and turned towards his husband.

"Speaking of, I got a call from Fury this morning. He said I 'have harmed government property!' And to 'not do it again!' No idea what he was talking about... I mean, how could I have done something if I haven't even left the house in days." Tony complains.

"One, you're Tony Stark, you'll always find a way to do something. And two, the hickey you gave me was visible while I was in uniform." Steve chuckled.

Tony's eyes fell to Steve's neck, then it all clicked. He laughed, hard.

"Oh god, he called you 'government property'! Hahahahaha!"

"Tony, I had to listen to Fury rant about 'inappropriate marks' and what's 'not safe for work' " Steve shook his head and sighed.

That just made Tony laugh harder. Steve took one of the sofa pillows and hit Tony with it. Tony started tickling Steve, said blond tickled back. Steve finally pinned Tony to the sofa.

Tony smirked. It was a smirk Steve knew well, it meant mischief.

"How about I make more hickeys and Fury can go fuck off....actually we'll be the ones fucking off."

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