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I'm running out of time
I hope that I can save you somehow
If I, If I had superpowers
I'd save the world and you would be mine, mine

"We're getting married!" Sadie said
happily with Steve right by her side. Everyone gave their congratulations, swarming the happy couple. Except for Tony, who just gave a weak fake smile.

Sadie is a shield agent, Steve and her met on an assignment, and one thing led to another. Tony sits down at the bar watching as the girls swarm Sadie, and Steve is left alone.

'Why does he look so... miserable?' Tony thinks to himself. As soon as Steve hears his name he puts the mask back up and pretends to be happy.

Have no fear, your hero is here
My super sense is tellin' me that danger is near
I'm gettin' close to you so I can watch yo' back
A villain's on the loose and he's ready to attack, oh!

Steve sits down at the bar next to Tony.

"You look like you need a drink"

Steve chuckles as Tony does a shot. They sit in a comfortable silence for a while. Tony notices that it's only them in the room… And Steve has that look on his face again.

"So, you and Sadie...tying the knot..." Tony says awkwardly.

"Yeah....we're... We're happy." Steve said clearing his throat, for some reason Tony didn't believe him.

"As long as you're happy." He said, raising his glass before taking another shot.

But I'm not a superhero
I'm not that kinda guy
But I can save you baby, give me a try

'They haven't even been together for a year, and they're getting married!?' Tony thought bitterly as he downed another shot. Sadie is a sweet girl, but a major gold digger.

Cause I'm runnin' out of time
I know what I came to do, and I didn't come to lose,
So I'll fight until you're mine
And if trouble comes around, I won't be backin' down, tonight

'I gotta do something, I need to stop this marriage' Tony puts away the alcohol as he decides he's gonna win Steve over.

Tony has had a crush on Steve since he met the man. They didn't get off on the right foot though.

Ooooooooh, if you're in danger
Ooooooooh, I'm here to save ya
Ooooooooh, that's what I'm made of
Oh oh oh ooh, give you my SuperLuv

The next day while they were having a meeting, Tony was just staring at Steve the whole time, not even paying attention.

"Tony? You okay?" Steve asked, shaking Tony out of his daydream.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine, sweet cheeks." Tony said with a smirk as the blond blushed, though no one seems to notice.

Been fightin' for your luv for all this time
What I gotta do to make you mine
Got no super speed, but I'm runnin' this town
If you get in my way, I'm a take you down

"Steve, can you stay for a minute?" Tony said, grabbing Steve's shoulder as everyone else left.

Once the room was empty, besides the two men, Tony slowly slid his hand down to Steve's arm.

"I was wondering if you'd come to my lab and help me out with something? If you're not busy that is."

"Of course, I'll be there in fifteen" Steve said quietly, so very aware of Tony's hand slowly making its way down to his hand.

"Great, see you then cutie." Tony smiled, letting his hand brush Steve's before walking out of the room, leaving the blond blushing with his heart racing.

But I'm not a superhero
I'm not that kinda guy
But I can save you baby, give me a try.
Cause I'm runnin' out of time
I know what I came to do, and I didn't come to lose,
So I'll fight until you're mine
And if trouble comes around, I won't be backin' down, tonight

Fifteen minutes later, Steve walks into Tony's lab. Tony was working on one of his suits.

"What did you need my help with?" Steve asks as Tony looks up, setting the metal arm down.

Ooooooooh, if you're in danger
Ooooooooh, I'm here to save ya
Ooooooooh, that's what I'm made of
Oh oh oh ooh, give you my SuperLuv
Can't you see
(That you're my lover)
We're meant to be
(You're like no other)
So come with me and say your mine
(Don't keep me waiting)

"Well, I was hoping for some advice."

"Alright, what do you do you need advice on?"

Tony and Steve sit on the sofa in the lab. Steve looks down at the floor.

"Well, there's this person I like… but I didn't make my move, now they're with someone else. The thing is, they look miserable when they think no one is looking..." Tony starts, his voice betraying how nervous he is.

"I say tell them, it's better to get it out in the open rather than repressing it."

Tony takes a deep breath and mumbles a 'okay'.

"Steve, I know we didn't get off on the right foot. And that's my fault but I... I really like you and I should have made a move way sooner." Tony says before he can back out.

Cause I'm runnin' out of time
I know what I came to do, and didn't come to lose
So I'll fight until you're mine
And if trouble comes around, I won't be backin' down, tonight
Ooooooooh, if you're in danger
Ooooooooh, I'm here to save ya
Ooooooooh, that's what I'm made of
Oh oh oh ooh
Give you my Superluv

Steve looks up at Tony a bit shocked. He never thought the man he has had a crush on would feel the same.

He looked down at Tony's lips, then his coffee brown eyes before leaning in. Tony gladly returned the kiss, wrapping his arms around Steve's neck. 

"Please say you're mine." Tony whispered once the kiss broke.

"I'm yours, Tony. And you're mine."

And all you really need
Has been right in front of you this whole time
And I, I didn't need no super powers
I saved the world and now you are mine
Now you're mine

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