Heterochomia soulmate AU

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《Tony's POV》

Tony looks in the mirror staring at
the beautiful ocean blue eye next to his brown eye.

"When will I meet the man with such beautiful eyes?" He asks quietly, touching around the eye.

He sighs as he gets ready, he's supposedly meeting the rest of the Avengers in twenty minutes. Of course he's gonna be late, it's called being fashionably late. Duh.

About half an hour later Tony strolled into the room and started talking. Blabbing about... science...stuff...

"The meeting started ten minutes ago, you're late." The blond interrupted him.

Tony turned around to face the super soldier. He stopped dead, completely forgetting the witty remark he was going to say. All he knew was he saw that beautiful blue eye that he always looked for since he was old enough to understand what soulmates are.

He also saw his coffee brown eye, then all of a sudden, the brown eye turned blue to match his right eye. Just like that. Steve Rogers is his soulmate. The. Steve Rogers. He can't believe it, this is the man he's been looking for. His soulmate.

Tony didn't even realize that he moved. But when he did he was a bit surprised to find himself kissing Steve. The blond with beautiful ocean blue eyes was kissing him back.

When they pulled apart Steve smiled and Tony couldn't help but smile back.


《Steve's POV》

Steve sighs in impatience as they all wait for Stark in the conference room. They were all on time, but here they are seven minutes after the appointed time and there's no sign of Stark. He didn't even call or text to warn them. Stark's just a no-show.

Steve would normally worry, but Stark is known to have done this before. One thing you have to learn about Anthony Stark is that he does what he wants- on his timetable.

Steve starts tapping his foot and looks around the room. Natasha and Clint are having a quiet conversation in the corner. Thor is tossing his hammer gently back and forth in his hands even though if he were to accidentally drop it, the floor would be badly damaged. Bruce has a piece of paper in front of him and he's staring at it in concentration as he absentmindedly chews on the end of his pen.

Steve catches sight of his reflection in the window and leans forward to inspect it closer. His right eye is really bright blue and he's quite happy that his natural eye color is that bright of a blue.

Then there's his left eye, the one that belongs to his soulmate. It's a very pretty coffee brown. He's honestly a little frustrated by that. Do you know how many people have brown eyes? Well, he doesn't either. He just knows it's a lot. That's a lot of people to look at.

He slowly raises his hand to the eye in question. As he's about to rest his fingertips under it when the door opens. Stark comes through it, talking big, science-y words. Steve rolls his eyes as he stands to face the billionaire's back.

"The meeting started ten minutes ago. You're late," He interrupts.

The brunette turns to face him and they lock eyes. Tony stops dead as he looks at the Captain. The Captain is shell-shocked as he looks into Tony's eyes. He stares into the eyes that he's had to look into a mirror to see for years- a bright blue and a coffee brown. Then Tony's blue eye shifts into a second coffee brown.

Tony Stark is his soulmate.

Steve doesn't move as Tony steps towards him and closes the gap between their lips. Steve kisses him back without hesitation. When they pull apart, Steve smiles and Tony returns the smile.

They both hear someone clear their throat and they turn to see Natasha looking at them with an eyebrow raised.

"Thanks for the show boys, but I don't believe I bought a ticket." She says dryly.

Tony chuckles lightly as Steve blushes. Steve sits back down in his seat and Tony pulls a chair over to sit next to the super soldier. After Tony sits, he grabs Steve's hand and laces their fingers together with a cheeky grin.

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