Pizza Love

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Steve sighs walking into his little apartment. He grabs the phone calling a pizza place down the street cause he doesn't feel like cooking tonight. Papa John's is open late and has pretty good pizza.

"Papa John's, how may I help you?" A man answers.

"Hi, can I get an all meat pizza for delivery?" Steve asks before giving his address to the man on the other side.

"That will be $7.50, your pizza should be there in about a half hour." The man say simply.

"Thank you, I love you, bye." Steve says before his brain turns on.

"I love you too." The man replys to Steve's shock.

"....." Steve wanted to scream and hide in a hole. Why did he say that!? I love you!?!? Whyyy!? ANd HE sAID iT BaCK!?!?

"I hope you're not expecting a discount on the pizza just cause we confessed our undying love for each other." The man says after a moment.

Steve let out a small embarrassed squeak.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say that!" He rushes out, earning a chuckle from the other man.

"No worries." The man says.

Awhile later Steve gets his pizza. He opens the door immediately noticing the man checking him out. He blushes noticing the man is cute. He pays for the pizza and tip the man.

"Thanks, cutie" He says with a wink before walking back to the pizza car. Steve blushes harder closing the door. He sets the pizza on the table, a napkin catches his eye. It looks to be a note.

This is sort of cheesy but you are one supreme slice.
Yours truly,
The Guy You Confessed Your Undying Love to (aka Tony)
P.S. You sound adorable when you are flustered'

Under the note has Tony's number on it. Steve is a blushing mess. He's not sure if he should actually text the man or not....

Once he's done with his pizza he decides to text this Tony.

'Hi, my name's Steve, we confessed our love to each other on the phone.'

A few minutes later he gets a reply.

'Hey cutie, how was the pizza?'

'It was delicious'

'So, question, Do you tell all your pizza guys you love them?'

'No, but now I'm thinking I should'

'You're adorable.'

From there they started talking and eventually met up for a date and Steve couldn't be happier.

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